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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, August 31, 2012

Peace in every situation...

My prayer:

There was a lot of craziness around me today God but total peace in me. That is a pretty wonderful thing that you do for me. I love your peace. The peace that doesn't really make sense but it so complete. That peace to know that you will work everything out, even the small details. 

If I didn't have you and your peace in my life, I would be a constant worrier. There is plenty to worry about if I want to. But, with you, I don't need to. Thank you God for taking care of me and taking care of all of the details.

What God Said Tonight:

I am peace. I am the source of peace. I have total peace for you because I already know everything. Everything that ever was or ever will be. I am your peace in the midst of any storm. I am your refuge. I will never leave you and I will never walk away from you. 

When fear tries to come in, remember who I am. Remember what I know. Remember what I can do. And then, remember how much I love you. My love for you is beyond words and I will bring every bit of knowledge and every ounce of power that is in me to come to your defense in every situation. 

I am with you. No matter what the circumstances look like, I am right here and I will not let you down. In the end, you will see the glory of my Kingdom, every time. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Win every time...

My prayer: 

You are good, you are GOOD, YOU ARE GOOD GOD!!! I am continually amazed, impressed and in awe of you God and how you work everything out! Thank you is a ridiculously small tribute for all that you do. 

I bet that is why they never stop worshiping you in heaven. Because truth is, if everyone of us worshiped you non stop for eternity, it would still not be enough to repay all that you do. 

Forgive me God for every moment that I have forgotten the immense blessing you are and hear my heart tonight in complete gratitude to you for who you are and all that you do.

What God Said Tonight:

I make you to succeed because I can't help but win. As my kids, you can't help but win either. You are children of the ultimate champion and I have put in you the ability to do even greater things than I did when I was with you. 

If you can someday, allow yourself to receive all that I have for out world! You will be powerful beyond your imaginings and you will be successful in everything. Sounds great and you are thinking, yeah, I want THAT! But, with that level of blessing and favor, comes a lot of other problems and challenges. 

I need to prepare you for that kind of blessing. I need to heal your heart so you are humble enough to receive and not gloat. I need to soften your soul to know that you will share and give all that you get. I need to know that the blessings will never own you but that you will ALWAYS belong to me. 

Those are the things I am working on with you now. I know that it is not always fun but know that the purpose and the reward of what we are changing in you today will absolutely be worth it. Be encouraged my love.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Getting what you want...

My prayer:

Hi God! I have spent a lot of today thinking about what you said this morning on my way to work. You said, don't ask for something if you don't want it. That seems like such an obvious thing but the more I think about it, how many times have I asked you for something whether it was something tangible or something spiritual or whatever, and then when you bring it to me, I don't really appreciate it? More times than I want to admit, I know that. 

We were talking about it tonight in group, I need to be more mindful of what I ask you for. Thank you for the insight and for continuing to talk with me every day. A day without your voice is pretty unthinkable. I don't ever want to be without you God. Love you SO MUCH!

What God Said Tonight:

I don't know if it is always a mindfulness issue but sometimes it is a gratefulness issue. You long for something for so long thinking if you could only have that one thing, everything would be perfect. But, no one thing, other than me in your  life, has the power to make everything else right. So, when you get the thing you want and your life is not suddenly perfect, you become complacent and unappreciative. 

I am the one thing that truly satisfies. I am the one thing that is greater once I am in your life than I was when you were longing to be close to me. I am the one thing that only gets better and bigger with time. Long for me and be satisfied in all things. I love you my daughter. Rest well.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pouring out blessings....

My prayer:

Is there anything you won't do for us God? Your blessings are so amazing! I think I am finally starting to truly understand that ALL things are possible through you. There is NO "IMPOSSIBLES" in my life when you are in it. WOW. I am in awe God.

What God Said Tonight:

Every good thing is from me. I will always only give you good things. When there are things that you want that are not good for you, those things I will hold back from you for your good. But every good thing is yours. 

I have waited and eternity to spoil you a little. I have waited an eternity to bless you. I have waited an eternity for this time right now with you. I won't hold back anymore. I will pour out my blessings on you, my children. 

In these last days, there will be many hardships to endure. I will pour out my blessings on you to help you through. I love you and I will bless you all the days of your life.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Right time, right place, right person...

My prayer:

What an amazing blessing you made "C" and his wife "L" to be God! The way they are heading up this ministry banquet is so wonderful. I want to be like them someday. They are very organized but willing to hear everyone's ideas and change things that make sense. They don't get stuck in "their" way of doing it. It is pretty wonderful to be a part of a team like that God. Thank you for this opportunity and thank you for not letting me miss it. I almost said no because there was so much going on and I was so busy but I would have missed out on blessing people and learning from some great leaders. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

Every person in place doing what they were called to do. That is why you found tonight so beautiful. Each person was using their gifts for me. It really is beautiful when that happens. When people simply trust that I have given them what they need to do what they have been called to do. It is so easy. 

It only gets hard when you start to try to do what I have called your brother or sister to do. When you step outside of your gifts and responsibilities and try to do what they are doing because it seems better in some way. 

There are no small jobs in my Kingdom when you are doing what you are prepared to do. I love you and I love the way I made you. I made you with a purpose in mind and it is a good purpose. 

Go rest now. We have more to do tomorrow.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

New love vs. Mature love...

My prayer:

Awesome God. Feeling restless tonight. It seems like there is something I should be doing but I don't know what it is. You are blessing me left and right and I am so very grateful. Some of the blessings are almost unexplainable and people don't really believe me when I tell them. I wish there was a better way to let people see what a blessing it is to have you in our lives. There are struggles and trials, sure. People everywhere have struggles. But with you, we always come out of the struggles on top.

Thank you so much for letting me be a part of praying for the new believer today. It was so phenomenal to see how excited he was and how he was already telling everybody he could about what happened in his life! No fear, no embarrassment, just utter joy at being forgiven and loved by you. That is the REALLY GOOD STUFF God! 

Maybe G had it right when she said that she was going to focus on getting the new believers out on the streets witnessing. That enthusiasm in them is infectious! I wonder if we can recapture that enthusiasm?

What God Said Tonight:

Newlyweds don't stay newlyweds forever but their love does not diminish. It matures and it grows. There is beauty in mature love. There is excitement in new love. There is fire and passion and energy in new love. New love is great but if new love stays new, it never has the chance to become the rooted and strong love of maturity. 

I love you so much my daughter and when our love was new, when you first came to love me, it was exciting and fun and you were energized in a brand new way. Our love has matured and is not so flashy but just as beautiful. As much as I enjoyed our new love, I appreciate the love and the trust that you have for me now even more than that first flush of love. 

This is a love that lasts, a love that grows, a love that strengthens. You don't have to worry about sharing the feeling of new love, they will get that all on their own. Show them the love you have now. Show them what our love can be. You are what I have made you to be right now, for this time and purpose. 

Appreciate the gifts of others and use the gifts I give you. When everyone is doing just what I have called them to, then everything will be covered.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Choose well...

My prayer:

Wow, no idea what to talk about tonight. Maybe I should just listen?

What God Said Tonight:

When you focus on me, there is hope and joy and peace. When you focus on what you don't have, there is angst and pain and torment. Why would you ever to choose to focus on anything but me? 

You have the absolute ability to choose what you will experience in this life. You don't get to choose the circumstances but you entirely get to choose how you respond and what you focus on. 

Make good choices. I hate to see you suffer. I want you to live in the joy I have for you. It is waiting for you.