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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Good change...

My prayer:

Change is in the wind God and it feels good!  Sometimes change seems a little frightening but this change, there is no fear. I somehow know that you are in complete charge and I am just excited to see what you want to do. I love you and trust you. Whatever you want to do next, let me know. I am here for whatever you want to do.

What God Said Tonight:

I have many changes for you and for your life. Your life will never be static. Your life is meant to be lived, not endured. Your life is meant for a purpose, not just an existence. 

You have been prepared and will do much with it. But in each new thing, you are being prepared for the next thing. Life is a continuous adventure if you will see as such. Start each day with me in your mind and in your heart and I will show you such things that you cannot imagine. 

Good news is, we will have a lot of fun along the way. People get caught up in the battle of following me. They worry too much sometimes about the enemy coming against them. You have to remember that I will always win against the enemy in the end. You don't really have to pay so much attention to him. I have him under control and it is only a matter of time before he is out of the picture. 

So much better to focus on me and what we can do together. I love you daughter and I love living this life with you. 

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Trails of light...

My prayer:

I am so tired tonight God, I probably won't make a lot of sense, but, you always seem to understand anyway :). Ok, now I know I am too tired...just used a smiley face in a prayer! Anyway, You gave me lots of great opportunities to be a blessing today and to see you bless people and that made it a really good day. You are so good! 

What God Said Tonight:

Everywhere you go you leave a trail of light. My light in a dark world. Your light, or my light in you, effects more than you. It lights up the things around you. As they are lit up, they begin to generate more light. 

If you just continue to shine my light, pretty soon the world will be light instead of dark. That is how we change the world. One light at a time. Shine on my little lighthouse.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Now and forever love...

My Prayer:

You are so awesome God. You are my ever present help. You take care of things before I even know there is a problem. You give me favor in every situation. You are WONDERFUL!!! I simply cannot come up with words to describe how amazing you are. 

I am eternally grateful that you saved me from my sin and provided a way for me to live with you forever in heaven. But, right now, today, I am SO GRATEFUL that I get to live this life with you on my side!!!!!!!! 

With you on my side, who can defeat me? The enemy has not real chance when you are with me. I LOVE YOU!!!! Please don't ever leave me.

What God Said Tonight:

I will never leave you or turn my back on you You are my precious child and I created you. I loved you before you were even conceived. I had a plan for your life before the dawn of time. I hold you precious and dear in my heart and I will never let you go. 

I love you more than you can know. You are beautiful to me, every part of you. I have waited for an eternity to have this time with you. I am serious. I have waited so long to be here with you tonight. 

You don't always feel lovable but I will ALWAYS love you. You don't always feel worthwhile, but you are prince and a priest. You are royalty in the Kingdom of God because you are my anointed child. 

I love all of my children with this same love. But, right now, tonight, I want you to KNOW my love for you. I don't want you to ever doubt again my love. I want you to live every moment in COMPLETE ASSURANCE that I am in love with you and will not let go of you. Now and foever my love.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


My prayer:

Sooo, sin. Doing stuff that is not in your will. I know we shouldn't and with the actions, it is a little easier to avoid sin. But I was just reading in Matthew tonight how you talk about even thinking sinful thoughts is a sin. 

I can do my best to "take thoughts captive" and "think on good things" but sometimes other thoughts sneak in. Sometimes, like tomorrow, I will be walking into a situation that I know will be ripe with sinful thoughts but it is not something that I can really get out of. The situation itself is not bad but I know that there is potential for my thoughts to go down a wrong path. 

But, I can't not go can I? You say to blind our right eye if it looks lustfully. That would make me think that you expect us to do anything and everything to avoid sin thoughts. God, I want to be in your will. I don't want to be in sin. But, when it comes to some everyday things, I am not sure how to avoid it? I pray for your help God.

What God Said Tonight:

Does the law define sin or does sin define the law? Think on that a minute. Is sin still sin if there is no law? 

Sin is something that will cost you. Sin is something that will take away from your life, your soul and your spirit. Sin will tear down the things that you have built. Avoiding sin is a very smart thing. When you get it wrong, when you sin anyway, you are covered in my blood and you do not have to pay the wages of sin that are death. However, you do have live with the consequences of your thoughts and actions. And, do not doubt it for a minute, there are ALWAYS consequences for sin. Sooner or later, there are always consequences.

I will help you tomorrow but you must follow my lead. You must trust me. You must do everything you know to do to focus on me and not on the situation. I love you daughter and we will walk through this together.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Life balance...

My prayer:

Mighty God. I am riddled with doubt tonight. Not doubt about you. Doubt about me. Doubt about the future. Doubt about am I doing the right things for your kingdom? Am I doing enough? Am I spending enough time with you? Am I loving you and people like I should? Am I getting this life "right" or am I deceiving myself and one day I will wake up and realize that I missed all of these amazing things that I could have been doing for you? 

Is there room for life balance when we are serving you God or are we supposed to be so sold out that there is nothing but you and serving you in our lives? 

Sorry to be such a pest with a million questions tonight God, but you know me. If there is a question to be asked, I will ask it. I love you God and I only want to be in the right place at the right time to be and do all that you have for me, seriously.

What God Said Tonight:

Life balance, that is an interesting concept that has really only come up recently in some ways. There is a part of it that goes back to how I created you. I created you to have a Sabbath. I created you so that you would work six days and on the seventh day you would rest with me. That rest is essential for the rest of what you do. 

Regarding balance in any other sense of the word, the way you get balance is when there is no difference between the you that serves me and the you that lives your everyday life There is a purpose and plan in every moment of your life. Whether you are preaching or whether you are having a sandwich for lunch, there is always the opportunity to be my ambassador. In your actions, in your inactions, in the way you treat people. In the things you talk about. In the things you don't talk about. In the the solutions you offer in the peace you walk in. All of it it is serving me and my Kingdom. 

The life you lead is a greater testimony than any sermon. I have told you before. I convinced more people to follow me when I was on the earth by how I lived than I ever did by what I taught. Let the people of the world see that the people of the Kingdom live differently, better. Let them see that life with me is awesome. Let them see you living with me. 

That is "life balance" when it comes to serving me. Love you sweet daughter.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Loving like God...

My prayer:

Sweet Father. I am in unfamiliar waters right now and I need your help and direction. I am doing my best to stay focused on you knowing that you will take care of everything else. It can be hard sometimes though. 

I pray God and ask that you block the distractions, anything that is trying to keep me from your will. Help me God to see myself how you see me and not what others say about me. Help me God to see others as you see them, for their promise and covered in your blood of forgiveness. Help me God to be so in touch with your love that I heal quickly from the emotional pain that comes with living life in this world. 

God I pray for a flood of your love tonight over the entire world. Flood us God so we can love like you love. 

What God Said Tonight:

Loving like me is a great goal. You will  love like me when your love is bigger than your ego. You will love like me when your love is more important that anything else. When you are willing to humble yourself and do anything just so someone knows they are loved. When you are ready to die to show someone how much you love them. 

Loving like me is not easy and is not always pleasant. It costs something to love like me. I love you and I don't expect you to love like me but I do expect you to love. I expect you to love as a response to my love. I expect you to love me and to love the people around you. I expect you to let offense roll off your back with the assurance that I am your Father and I give you your identity. 

I expect you to love the ones that no one else wants to love, when they are at their most unloveable. I expect you not to turn your back but look them in the face and love. 

You don't have to love like me but you do have to love like you, with the new heart I have given you. Love is a choice and love is your choice. Choose it daily.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

I don't know...

My prayer:

I have nothing new to say tonight God. I love you. I am grateful for all that you do. I have the same struggles and the same challenges that seem to cycle back to me over and over which is SUPER frustrating. 

I wish I was a better student for you God. I wish I was a faster learner so I didn't have to go through the same thing over and over. But, I am not. So, here I am, at the end of me and completely open to whatever you have. Which, I guess is a pretty good place to be. I love you Daddy!

What God Said Tonight:

The people you most admire. What do they have in common? It is not that they are perfect? It is that they never give up. It is that they are transparent and admit that they struggle. 

You do not need to have the answer. There is much you do not yet know and that is ok. That is what makes life exciting and worth waking up tomorrow. You are not me. You do not know the end from the beginning. You are left in the difficult but enviable place of just trusting me . 

Trust me in ALL things. Trust me even in the things that you think are not going right. Trust me in the things that you think I don't care about. Truth is I care about everything that you care about because I love you so much. 

I an interested in everything that you are interested in because I love you like crazy, I can't stop thinking about you. You are my whole reason. You, and your brothers and sisters are my entire purpose. And, out of that deep love, I will take care of your heart, your dreams, your worries, your needs. Now and forever my love.