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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Spring and miracles...

My prayer:

Awesome and powerful God. My thoughts are really on tomorrow. Thank you for the amazing opportunity to pray for people tomorrow. Thank you for the opportunity to see you do amazing things in people's lives. God I pray that you cover us so thick in your anointing that every where we go, there is an open heaven, miracles from you and hope. God, make us a blessing to everyone we touch. Prepare their hearts God to receive what you have for them. I am EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

Spring is here. You can see evidence of it everywhere you go. There are beautiful flowers and that special spring green that is unlike any other green in the world. You know it is Spring because all of the evidence, the things you see, the things you smell, the things you hear, and the things you feel all tell you it is Spring. 

This is also the season for miracles. My seasons are no different. You will know they are here by the evidence. You will see, you will hear, you will smell, you feel the evidence of this season of miracles. 

I have often told you that you are going to see things you could not have imagined. Get ready. That season is here. Have the courage to walk through this season with your eyes, ears and everything else open. Experience every minute of it. Don't try to find explanations. Just experience and receive what I have prepared for you. It is going to be truly awesome and I am excited too!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hiding from God...

My prayer:

Wow God, what can I say. I am just reveling in your presence and your complete wonderfulness tonight. Nights like tonight when your presence is so heavy and thick, when the world disappears and it is just you and me...WOW! I love these times. What is on your mind? What do you want to talk about?

What God Said Tonight:

Seek and you will find me. I do not hide from you. You hide from me sometimes, just like Adam and Eve did, but I don't hide from you. 

It is possible for us to live in constant connection. It is possible for this presence that you are aware of tonight can be with you always. Or, let me clarify, it is with you always but there is a way for you to be aware of it. I am with you always. My presence doesn't change. My anointing doesn't change. I am not powerful one day and not powerful the next. 

I AM. That does not change. What changes is your attention to me. What changes is what you are paying attention to. Take time for me. Take time to recognize and experience my presence in your life. Take time to see the beauty I have surrounded you with. Turn off your phone, your computer, your TV, and just be with me more. It will bless me and it will bless you. 

You often ask what you can give me. All I really want is your time and your heart. All I really want is to spend time with you where you are fully aware of me. I want to be important in your life like you are important to me. I love you my sweet daughter. Feel that, know that, and experience that more. It will give you the confidence for the nest seaso\n.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The power of decisions and choices...

My prayer:

Amazing God. I was having a conversation with someone today and it got me thinking. I think, if we are paying attention to the people we are hanging out with, working with, surrounded with, we can see either the kind of person that we are or the kind of person we are going to turn into. If that is true, we can choose the type of person we are going to be by choosing the people we surround ourselves with. 

In the specific case today, we were talking about a particular job that requires the person to be constantly suspicious of the people they are talking to. We were talking about someone who was successful in that job and she assumes everyone is lying to her unless they can prove differently. It is one of the things that make her so good at her job. But, I thought and told my friend, "Do you really want to be that person? Do you want to assume that everyone is lying?" 

It kind of hit me then, I think we, I, have a lot more control or ability to decide who I am and who I am going to be than I may have ever realized. "I am who I am, get used to it." is not really a true statement. I think the thing is, we get to choose who we are, either consciously or subconsciously. The good part of that is if we don't like who we are, we can choose to be different. 

Sorry to yammer on. Just something I was thinking about. The most obvious application of this is when we choose to live our lives for you. That one choice alone changes us and we become a "new man." 

Thank you for giving us the gift of choice and free will God. 

What God Said Tonight:

You are making choices every moment of every day, whether you realize it or not. Your life is a constant stream of choices. Even when you choose not to choose, you are making a choice. Learning how to make good choices, choices that help you to prosper and get closer to me, that is the goal. That is one of the main reasons for life. Learning to make good choices. 

Choose life. That sounds so easy and in some ways it is. When you are faced with a choice, choose the way that brings life to the situation. The choice that will result in the growth and prospering of everyone involved. Pick the thing that is in agreement with my Word and you will see it prosper. Everything I have told you, every edict I have given, was given because it is the way to life. I don't set rules just to be a taskmaster and punish you when you miss the boat. I give you rules because they can help you to make good decisions. Decisions for life. Decisions that will leave you in a better place than you were before the decision.

I love you and only want the best for you. I only want my best for you. Choose my best.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The danger of being blessed...

My prayer:

Life is so very good right now God. Thank you!!! You are blessing me like crazy. You have filled my life with amazing people that I get to help and be helped by. Work is great. Ministry opportunities are awesome. I am loving it all God.

And, I hate this, but the truth is, I find myself worrying about when the other shoe is going to drop. I worry that things are so good that I am going to do something wrong or someone is going to figure out that I am nothing special and it is all going to go bad. 

I am sorry to have to admit that God. I am not proud of it. I actually hate feeling like this. It keeps me from enjoying all the wonderful things you are doing to their fullest. I don't like it, but I don't know how to stop it. Awesome God, will you help me? Help me to enjoy life and trust you. thank you Jesus.

What God Said Tonight:

The great danger of being blessed is misunderstanding where the blessing comes from. You are not the cause of your blessing. I am the cause of your blessing. You cannot and have not earned it. 

You are blessed because you my child. You are protected because you are my child. You are in the position you are today because I chose you. To think that you could do something to turn my blessing away from you is great arrogance. 

I will bless you all of the days of your life. Didn't I promise you that? I will open up the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on you that you cannot contain. Didn't I promise you that? My promises are true. 

You may not always be struggle free but you will always be blessed. You may not always be able to see the blessing but you will always be blessed. I will bless you all the days of your life. Hear that. Repeat that. Remember that. I will bless you all the days of your life. 

You are my blessed child and I love you. Enjoy the blessing and know that they are not going away as long as you and I are together. My sweet child. How can I help but bless you? 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Living life with God...

My prayer:

Today was pretty great God! You kept surprising me with blessings that I did not ask for or expect. Your surprises are the BEST! 

I love you God. I love getting to live this life with you. I love that after all the struggle and work, you are always there waiting with a smile and favor a reminder that I am not in this life alone. Thank you for not making me live this life without you. 

You know that sometimes I get lost in all of the things/experiences that I want that I don't have yet, I am sorry for those times. Because, in times like this where I can so clearly see how blessed I am, just because I get to live with you in my life, I realize that those other things don't really matter that much. If they happen, awesome, if they don't, I still have you which is more than I could have ever imagined and more than enough for me. LOVE YOU DADDY!

What God Said Tonight:

Life is meant to be a celebration. It is meant to be filled with joy and color and joy. It is meant to be enjoyed. I know that is sometimes hard to remember with sin getting in the way, but that was my intention. For you to enjoy life was my first intention. 

Find the joy in this life and hang onto it. Find the joy in me and hang on to it. Don't ever let go of your joy. Don't ever forget to celebrate and enjoy the wonders of your life. It is so easy to get lost inn the things that didn't go like you wanted or mired in the pain of life. Strive to pull yourself out of that muck and remember the joy that you have in me. 

Live in that joy. Celebrate with me. Smile with me, dance with me, love with me. You can enjoy life again if you keep focused on me and the blessings I bring. 

I love you daughter and I love to bless you. I love to hang out with you. I love to live life with you. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Doubt and choices...

My prayer:

How is it possible that you got me through this day? I had less than four hours of sleep, a full day of meetings, running errands after work, and more and somehow, here I am still conscious. That is divine intervention I think. 

You always give me just what I need God. I can't imagine trying to live this life without you. I tell you, I am not just saying that. I know that I would have crumbled under the pressure a long time ago if I did not have you. I don't know how anybody makes it through 24 hours without you. I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight:

A day will come when you will question this life you have chosen. A day will come when you will wonder if it is worth it. You will question whether you made the right choices. Don't let those days scare you. The days of doubt are nothing more than an opportunity to grow your faith greater than it has ever been before. Doubt is not the enemy. Doubt is the vehicle to go to the next level. Doubt makes you question and challenge what you think you know and that is a very good thing. 

I don't ever want my kids to follow me because they think they should. I want you to follow me out of your free will choice. I want you to choose me every day. I want you to make a conscious decision with your heart mind and spirit to live with me and to do my will. 

That is what I want. I don't need slaves. I am the God of the entire universe and I can have all of the drones I want. I want children. I want friends. I want people who stand with me because they want to stand with me. Not because they feel an obligation to stand with me. 

I love your faithfulness and I love that you stand with me no matter what. That faithfulness means more when you have made a fully conscious choice. I love you. 

I am not afraid of questions. I am not afraid of anything. Stand with me, yes, I want you to stand with me, but make sure you are doing it because you want to do it and you have made a choice, for yourself, not for your mom and not for your kids, but you personally have made the choice. That is the kind of choice, the kind of faith that gets my attention. 

I love you so much. Thank you for standing with me.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Worthwhile life...

My prayer:

What a day, what a weekend God. Thank you for reminding me of the great plans you have. Thank you for reminding me of visions of the great things that you have planned. Thank you God for connections with people that love you more than anything else. Thank you God for this next chapter we are walking into. Thank you for the opportunities to bless you and bless your people. Thank you for healing so many people with back troubles today! I LOVE YOU LIKE CRAZY!

What God Said Tonight:

I do it all for you, my children. You are more precious than gold to me. You are more brilliant that fine gems. You are everything I ever hoped from the time of my first creation. 

I know we have been through a lot to get to this point. But, I promise, it will be worth it. I promise that when you look back on your life, you will say it was a worthwhile life. You will be glad that you lived and moved in the time that I have given you here on earth. 

We have a lot to do but don't ever get intimidated. I will lead you and guide you. I will help you through this like I have everything else. You never thought you could write or publish a book and  now you are offering to help others while your book continues to sell. 

It will be so easy once we get started. I am going to fling open doors. I am going to create opportunities that have never been open before. I am going to soften men's hearts toward you and they will bless you. You will have more than what you need to do what I have called you to. You will love it, I promise. 

Tonight, celebrate this time in history. This is going to be the small beginning that you talk about nostalgically in your old age as you are helping a new ministry get offf the ground.. I love you so much and I am excited to walk you through this next thing.