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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Strategic plan...

My prayer:

My God. You have surrounded me with wonderful, faithful, supportive, loving people who hear and obey your voice. How did that happen? How wonderful!!! I love that the people you put around me are not super religious but are fully convinced that there is no other way to live than with you in charge. Real, honest, and amazing people. That is who you surround me with. I could not be more blessed! THANK YOU!

What God Said Tonight:

I have placed you in a strategic position among people that are a part of my strategic plan. There are no accidents. Spirit attracts like spirits. You have my Spirit in you and he calls out to his spirit in others. That is how we build a team, an army, for God. 

There are some great battles coming. It is not time for the final battle but there will be many battles to fight until then. Learn how to work together now in  a relative peace. Learn to trust each other now. Learn how to work toward a goal together now. You will be together for a very long time. 

I love you daughter and I will keep you protected but you have a great journey and purpose. It will require every single person I have put in your life. I love you. Go rest now.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Still water...

My prayer:

My God, I have no idea what to pray about tonight. Today was a great day of rest. I still struggled to get my thoughts right, but it was easier today than yesterday. Really, I just want to hear you tonight. What is on your mind?

What God Said Tonight:

Still water can be the evidence of calm or it can hide great depth and turbulence. Just because things appear unchanged and still does not mean that there are not great things happening just below the surface.
There are some days where you think nothing much happened but that is just because your vision is limited. You can not see far enough to know the impact that you have each day. Every word you speak, every thought you have, every act you take has great significance because you are my daughter and I have placed you in a place where people can see what it is to e a child of mine. 

When you smiled at the family on the trail today, you had an impact. When you got caught dancing in worship, you made an impact. When you fought to take every thought captive, you had an impact. You are the catalyst of many things that I want to do. 

I have a purpose and plan for every child of mine. Each child is a catalysts for their area. Be blessed and let me get to work.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Serving through the struggle...

My prayer:

Thank you God that I don't have to be perfect for you to use me. Watching you heal people today during prayer was phenomenal as always! You know how I love that!! It was difficult for me, knowing that I have been really struggling, I was thinking, who am I to pray? But you kept reminding me that it is you and not me that heals. And, you did!

I love you God. I love that you can use someone as imperfect as me and let be a part of your miracle. Thank you more than I can say.

What God Said Tonight:

You are anointed to pray for other people. I have shown you and trained you how to access heaven on earth. I have spent a lot of years training you and I will not let that go to waste because you are in a growing season. 

This struggle that you are dealing with is nothing more than taking you to the next level. You will not fail. You will come out of this stronger than ever. And, since we work on my strength and my righteousness when you pray for people, we don't have to worry so much about where you are at. 

Stay in touch with me. Don't lose your connection with me and everything else will work out just fine. I am your God and your guide. I am the strength behind you and I am the wisdom that guides you. You are my servant, my daughter and my hands and feet. As such, you are privileged but not perfect. I will never expect you to be perfect. But I will expect you to always try your best. 

I love you daughter and this time is one that someday, you will look back on and recognize the significance and the joy of the freedom that you are just beginning to accomplish. I love you. Rest now, we have more to do tomorrow.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God. Why is it that some of the things that feel so good in the short term are the same things that can destroy us? That does not seem like the way it should be. Shouldn't good things feel good and bad things feel bad? It would make this life a whole lot easier! But instead, we have all of these things, like sexual sin, that start off feeling really good but can later destroy us and all these other things (like exercise) that hurt like heck to begin with but in the end do us a lot of good. 

Contradictions. Now that I think about it, there are a lot of contradictions in your Kingdom. Give up your life to save it. The last will be first. To be a leader, become a servant...just to name a few. So, what is the point of logic if reality is not logical? 

I am full of questions tonight God, hoping you are full of answers you can share...

What God Said Tonight:

The thing is, the answers won't help you in the way that you think they will. Understanding why it is the way that it is will not make it easier to live. 

I have given you all of the answers. It is in the book. 

I can help you live this life and understand the contradictions. If everything was completely logical, you would not need me. You are smart, I made you that way. You could figure it all out on your own if it was logical. The way it is, you need to rely on me. You need to lean on me and trust me.. Without that, would you need me? 

There are so many things that steal my kids from me. I don't want it to be easier for you to turn your back on me. I will always guide you and show you my way. I will always be with you. I promise, you won't ever have to figure out life on your own without my help. 

You have some specific questions tonight. Why is it that things that start out good end up hurting and vice versa. It is not as simple as you might hope. There are times when circumstances change so quickly, that we do not need the man we called to play a part. This is one of those times. You may leave. 

One thing you can always count on. I am your champion and I am always with you. Sweet girl, it will all work out, I promise. You are firmly rooted in me and you will go on to do great and might things.

Friday, May 25, 2012


My prayer:

Amazing God! Thank you God for your help. Thank you for keeping me safe and whole and making right decisions. Thank you for always helping when I ask. Thank you God for being you and bringing me through this latest test, complete and whole. 

God I thank you for your continued help and support. I thank you that you will never leave me or turn your back on me. I thank you God that you are never shocked, you are never surprised by the things I struggle with and you are always there to pull me out. 

What is on your mind tonight? I long to hear your voice,

What God Said Tonight:

My daughter, I am not sure you understand the significance of this season in your life. The fact is, you don't really have to understand it I guess, as long as you are diligent to follow my commands for your life. 

I know that at times it can be restrictive. There are times when you really want to do that thing I have told you to. 

Obedience is a sign of your trust of me. It is a sign that you trust me more than you do yourself to know what is best for you.

That is what makes obedience so beautiful to me. It is not that I need a bunch of drones following me saying "Yes sir..." It is just that it shows your love and trust of me when you do or don't do something just because I have told you. You obedience is a gift to me and so beautiful. 

Obedience has gained a negative connotation over the years, but that is not how I see it. I see as a reflection of your love and it is so beautiful to me. 

Disobedience cuts like a knife for the same reason. It shows a lack of trust. It shows that you think you know better than I do. It shows me that you are more interested in the world than in me. 

I thank you daughter for your obedience. It will pay off. I love you.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


My prayer:

Incredible God of everything. I am a bit stunned God. I had no idea this would be such a battle. I had no idea the act of not doing something would be so hard. But, then again, that is always harder. Quitting smoking is a whole lot harder than starting smoking. Not eating that dessert is a lot harder than eating it...etc. 

Thank you God for not giving up on me and helping me to be the person that you have created me to be. Thank you God for favor on my life, even when I don't deserve it. Thank you God for this wonderful life you have given me which is such a gift, not earned. Thank you God for not giving me what I earn...that could be disastrous. Thank you for forgiving me for every time I fall short.

I pray for continued help, guidance, grace and mercy for everyday of the rest of my life. 

What God Said Tonight:

Can you hear me tonight? It may be hard with all of the thoughts in your head. Clear your mind a minute. Stop feeling guilty, stop worrying that an unguarded moment will result in your down fall. 

I will not let you down. I hear your heart and know you need help. I don't leave you alone to fight battles. Have I ever? No, I am here to be your ever present help in times of danger. I am here to be your shelter in a storm. I am here to guide you all the days of your life. 

You are about to see something broken off you that is harming you. 

I am your warrior and your guardian angel. I love you so much and I have every intention of keeping you precious and whole. I have no intention of allowing you to be harmed or marred. I love you with an intensity and a power that would frighten you if you could really understand it. It is because of my great love of you that I am willing to give anything to have you with me, forever. 

I am your God, you are my child. We are of the same one flesh and am your teacher. Let me keep you from the pain and from the results of the wrong choices. Trust me to know what your very best is.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Love, all the time...,

My prayer:

What if every child of God came together and decided to just love. Nothing else, just love all the time? Sounds like a cheesy commercial of some kind, but what if. Wouldn't that be amazing God? It should be possible, you made us from your love. How can we do any more or any less? My God I love you. 

What God Said Tonight:

Love is my nature. It is who I am and who I made you to be. You are right, if we all loved all of the time, there would be mo need for any other rule, law or delay in the promise of a new heaven and new earth.

Sin steals the ability to love like that. To love with all abandon.

You are free to love my daughter. I love you more than I can say. Share that love everywhere you go. you may not change the world but you will change everyone you meet.

I love you my sweet daughter. Go rest now. Let me love you and rest for tomorrow. It si a good day with much to do.