My prayer:
My God, I have no idea what to pray about tonight. Today was a great day of rest. I still struggled to get my thoughts right, but it was easier today than yesterday. Really, I just want to hear you tonight. What is on your mind?
What God Said Tonight:
Still water can be the evidence of calm or it can hide great depth and turbulence. Just because things appear unchanged and still does not mean that there are not great things happening just below the surface.
There are some days where you think nothing much happened but that is just because your vision is limited. You can not see far enough to know the impact that you have each day. Every word you speak, every thought you have, every act you take has great significance because you are my daughter and I have placed you in a place where people can see what it is to e a child of mine.
When you smiled at the family on the trail today, you had an impact. When you got caught dancing in worship, you made an impact. When you fought to take every thought captive, you had an impact. You are the catalyst of many things that I want to do.
I have a purpose and plan for every child of mine. Each child is a catalysts for their area. Be blessed and let me get to work.