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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

You are mine...

My prayer:

My God you are so amazing.. I can hardly believe how you so completely worked everything out today. 

Thank you for hearing my prayer last night. Thank you for taking care of every last detail of this day, including the ones that I didn't even know about. Thank you God for being such an amazing Father to me!!! 

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! God, what is on your mind? What can I do for you? How can I help with what you doing?

What God Said Tonight:

You are mine and I will always take care of you. That is really it you know. That is all you need to know. If you really understand that, if you truly understand that you belong to me and I belong to you, you will never fear or worry again. 

You are never alone. You never have to deal with the daily demons of worry and anxiety. You will not be spoiled but you will be blessed. 

You are a child of the most high God and you will show the world what that means. You are my billboard sweet daughter and I love you. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Don't worry...

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My prayer:

My God, Father who takes care of me. I really need your help for tomorrow. I try not to ask for help for this kind of thing too often. I don't ever want you to feel like I only come to you when I need or want something. But tomorrow, there are so many things that could go wrong and without your favor and intervention, it will be miserable, I will fail, and people who paid good money aren't going to learn anything other than how NOT to organize a training session. 

I am not entirely sure how I ended up in this position. You know me, I tend to overplan and overprepare; but everything kind of fell apart on this one and I need your help. I ask God that you find a way to work it out so the people aren't dissapointed and so we can have a successful training day. 

I love you God and I am so grateful that you are my Father, that you take care of me, and that I get to lay every burden at your feet. Thank you!

What God Said Tonight:

I love it when you bring me your worries. Worry doesn't do you any good Worry is a thief and a robber. Worry steals you time, your health, your peace and leaves you with nothing but bad health and no sleep. 

I am grateful that you come to me with everything. I never meant for you to live this life alone. I always planned we would live it together. A lot like we are right now. I have your back, I am with you, I will not see you fail. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Blanket of love..

My prayer:

Amazing God of my heart. I love you so much! I mean, really, deep down, bottom of my heart, with all my soul, LOVE YOU! 

I live an incredible life because of you. I get to help people because of what you do in my life. I get to be a part of seeing you move in other peoples' lives. I get to see you do miracles almost every day. I get to see you take bad and wrong situations and turn them around for our good. I get to see you teach and grow us into better people everyday. 

My life with you is so blessed. You have created an open window to heaven in my life and I am so GRATEFUL!!! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!

What God Said Tonight:

I want to wrap you in a blanket of my love tonight. I want to snuggle up with you, keep you warm, safe and covered. I want to surround you in the comfort of my love. I am your place of safety. I am your place of warmth and love.

I am always here for you, waiting to catch you up in my blanket of love. I am always here to wrap you up in my love. 

There are times for you to go out into the world, fight the battles and spread my word. But, there are times like tonight where I want you all to myself. There are times like tonight where I just want you to curl up with me and receive all the love I have for you. 

Nestle in my love. Tonight is for you and me.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Let the fire roar...

My prayer:

It is so GOOD to be back here with you God, at this time and this place! I loved the rest and the beautiful setting. I loved the time to relax in your presence. I loved the people. I loved the beautiful ocean. I loved the rain forest. I loved being unplugged for a whole week. I loved it all! But, it is awfully good to be back here, in our special spot, talking with you.

God, I am rested and ready for the next steps, the next level. I am ready for whatever you have next for me, for us.

Thank you God for rest, rejuvenation, and a fresh perspective!

What God Said Tonight:

I am a fire in your heart. I am a fire in your spirit. I have been smoldering, building up heat, waiting for you to be ready.

Now, we are here and it is time to let the fire rage. It is time to let the fire burn. we are about to see great and mighty things. We are going to see a cleansing change that will bring great revelation and great understanding of the full will of my my Spirit on earth.

I have been holding onto some things to release in the season and in this time. The time is here. You, my children are ready. Let the fire roar!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Shake us Lord

My Prayer oh God is that you shake us again, wake us up and make us men and women of integrity. May our thoughts and heart be pleasing unto you. As we face tests each day, teach us hear your voice and do what you ask. We are your humble servants, help us to return to our first love, you God! Bring us back to the first day you came into our hearts and we had an unquenchable fire. Restore us and make us new again.

In this world it is hard to find people with integrity, there are so many who just follow the masses. When one person breaks the law, the others do also, justifying it by thinking they did it so I can too. Where do you stand in this world lacking integrity? Do you notice when others are breaking the law, or bending the rules? Are you standing up in boldness for what you believe, or have you given in and joined them. God has given us his guide book to follow, and his Holy Spirit to nudge us when we stray from what's right.

I have given you my word, it is living and will give you the power you need to stand up against all temptation. My spirit will give you the courage to stand in the face of intimidation. When everyone around you is walking in a way that does not please me, you can choose to do the right thing. Don't worry about what others will think or say, just remember I am an all seeing, all knowing God. I know your heart as well as theirs.  Put on the full armor and stand strong, be the great men and women I created you to be. I want others to see me when they see you. 

Sunday, May 6, 2012


In this world so full of chaos, we must force ourselves to stop and enjoy the simple moments. All the technology cannot match up to those simple times of worship, when we run into the arms of God as a little child. Have you stopped just to have a quiet moment with God today? How about sit and listen to the rain, or sit and watch a butterfly flit around? God is calling out to us saying- your life has become so cluttered and so complicated. Simplify by shutting off all the gadgets, tuning out all the distractions and just sit with me a while. I love to spend time with you, it's up to you to come and be with me. I won't force my way in through all you have going on. Until you are ready, I will patiently wait. Let's show God how much we love him today by simplifying our lives and have a time of quiet worship with him. He loves you like no other and is waiting for us to show him our love and appreciation.

Father God, I pray tonight that we will recognize how much we really need to stop and simply sit with you, to honor you for you are holy. You deserve so much more than we could ever give, my prayer is that we all will give more from our hearts than ever before. That our priorities get realigned with what is the most important thing, and that quality time with you.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Let it go

I saw before me a huge wall, strongly built, almost impossible to knock down. As I stood starring at the wall, I realized I had created it and I am the only one who can break it down. If I will lay down my offenses, forgive all who have hurt me and release any bitterness, then the wall will crumble. As I began to release everyone from the depths of my heart, I had to turn and run, for the wall was crumbling down. If I had not run away it would have landed on me. Can you imagine being crushed by the very wall you built? Once the wall came down there was a glorious light on the other side and as I got closer, I heard a soft voice say your free.

Be Free in Jesus tonight, release any and everyone and receive his greater peace. Lord may your joy fill heart, as this painful step is taken. Of all people you know what it is like to forgive great offenses, to release those who have caused tremendous hurts. It says in your word we must forgive and you will forgive us. Thank you for your grace and the strength to do what seems impossible. Praise to you almighty God!