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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Friday, October 21, 2011


My prayer: 
Thank you awesome healing God for the miracle healings you accomplished tonight!!! Thank you God for healing the feet tonight God! Feeling that huge bone spur/bunion thing shrink right under my COOL!!!

Your healing power is so amazing and WONDERFUL!!! Thank you God for your miracles and your gifts. I just want to celebrate you and your power tonight. You are more than I could have ever imagined. You are greater than the greatest!!! I love you GOD! Thank you for letting me be a part of your miracles.

I pray and ask that you continue your miracle healing in our lives. I send your word of healing to "L" and "G" tonight God. I pray God that you put everything right for "L" who went back to the hospital today. Only you God understand all that is going on with him and only you can fix it all. God, I leave him in your wonderful hands trusting you to heal him. I pray that you heal "G's" shoulder, arm, neck. I thank you God that you are relieving the pain even now. I pray that you are releasing the stress and the strain and you are renewing it all in the name of Jesus and his sacrifice.

I love you God. I love how you heal. I love your power God. I LOVE YOU!!!

What God Said Tonight:
My healing is my gift for you. I did not have to do it. It was possible for me to provide for your salvation and not worry about the healing but I did because I love you so much. I hate to see you suffer. I had to provide a way that you did not have to suffer. I had to provide a way for my children to be healed.

You do not have to live in sickness and infirmity. You do not have to live with less than enough. I am the God of more than enough. I am the God who gives to overflow in your life. I am the God that heals you. My healing is here for you whenever you want it. You are welcome to it. I did it for you.

You have to come get it though. I don't force my gifts on anyone. Make sure that when you pray for healing that you and the person who is to be healed wants to be healed. I mean really wants it. Make sure that you both know what you want to happen. Your will aligned with mine, calling on the truth that I was bruised for your sin and I was beaten for your sickness. I took the beating to provide the sacrifice for your healing. Leave your sickness with me and I will heal you. But you need to want it and come get it. Come to me and ask, pray, believe. I will heal you. I love you. I am yours.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Beautiful landscape...

My prayer:
What an amazing God you are. You never fail to astound me. You who knows everything, the end from the beginning. You who is all powerful and the creator of the entire universe and all that there is. You astound me God. I live in awe of you.

Thank you God for being so magnificent. I am so glad that I don't have to settle for a "good enough" God but that I get to have the God that is above all gods as my Lord. I get to call the All Mighty, my God. You are more powerful, more wise, and more loving than anyone and anything else that ever was or ever will be and I get to call you Father, Lord, teacher, redeemer, and friend.

How do I thank you for something like that? I give you all that I am and all that I have God. It is the only response I can think of. I love you so much. Please don't ever give up on me. Please continue to show me where I am getting it wrong and show me how to get it right...whatever "it" is. Thank you for being you and choosing me.

What God Said Tonight:
Look out over the landscape with me daughter. Come and look and see what I see. See the beauty of this earth and of my people. See the beauty of the redeemed. See also the ugliness of evil that tries to get between you and that beauty. It gets up in your face and it looks bigger than the beauty but it is not. The beauty is vast and covers the world. The evil is small but it looks big because it is in your face and so close right now. It is blocking your view, but look around it, look through it and see the beauty of my Kingdom that is where the truth lives. That is where you are.

The evil is nothing more than a tiny shield trying to distract you and block you from the beauty that I have for you right here and right now.

I love you daughter. Live in the beauty that I have put all around you. Know that evil cannot really come touch you. It will act like it will and it will try to scare you but you are my redeemed, and protected daughter. Evil cannot have you. You are a part of the beauty that I have created. You will not be marred. You will remain pristine and beautiful without scar or blemish. My daughter, I love you!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Let me love you...

My prayer:
Amazing Father God. Today was good. Today was a day of small steps forward. I don't mind baby steps as long as they are headed in the right direction. I have to say that all those baby steps today have tired me out! I feel my eyes closing as I type. But, before I go to bed, I need to hear your voice and know what is on your mind. I need my God time where nothing else matters but the sound of your voice. I love you God.

What God Said Tonight:
Come here and sit in my lap. Let me wrap my arms around you tonight. Let my love surround you and enfold you. You are so very precious to me. Let me love you tonight.

Mmmm. I can't help myself you know. This love I have for you is unconditional. You are covered in the blood of my sacrifice and made perfect in that sacrifice. I can't help but love you. I couldn't help loving you even before though. Before you were covered and redeemed. When you were still such a mess and struggling in the pit of your own making. I loved you then.

I loved you before you were in your mother's womb. I have loved you from the beginning of time and I will love you throughout eternity. Think of the greatest love you have ever experienced and multiply it by 100 and you still can't begin to imagine my love for you. It is my motive for everything I do.

Let me love you tonight? Don't be afraid. I just want to love you. Let me kiss your forehead and love you. Mmmm. that is good.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New perspective...

My prayer: 
Awesome God. I don't know what to pray tonight. there are things on my heart but I am tired of whining to you. I feel like all I have done lately is complain and I am getting sick of me.

God, I choose to trust you and believe that you have my future and my life in your hands. I choose to trust that you will meet every need in my life, in my family's lives, in my friend's lives. I choose God to believe your word and your voice.

Thank you God for healing the headache from today. It was a doozy! I love you God and can't wait to hear what is on your mind. Your voice is so much more interesting than my doubt.

What God Said Tonight:
Fly with me tonight and get a new perspective. You are seeing only what is right in front of your face. I need you to come up here with me for a minute and see things from a Kingdom perspective. I need you to understand the big picture and that all of what you are experiencing is for a purpose and that I have a plan that is at work right now in your life.

From your perspective, it looks overwhelming. It looks like it is too big to handle. Come up here with me and you will see that it is only one part in a huge and beautiful plan that is so important. If you could see from my perspective you could see how beautiful the future is. You could see how beautiful today is.

Today is the birth place of tomorrow's dreams. Everything that happened today will be a part of the foundation that tomorrow is built on. Your dreams, my dreams will spring out of today's experiences and decisions.

Don't think for one minute that today, that your life is trivial. You are vital to my Kingdom and I need you to be you. To have the experiences that I have planned for you. I need you to love the people I have put in your life. I don't need you to do what everyone else is doing. They are already doing it. I need you to listen to me carefully and each day, do what I have for you to do. I will guide you and direct you. I will give you the wisdom and the skills you need. All I need from you is to say "yes." Say "Yes" to me everyday and I will take care of the rest.

I love you daughter. You know it is true. Rest in my love again tonight. Keep your mind here with me with a bigger view and perspective on your life. Don't sink back into only seeing what is directly in front of you. Good, you are with me and I am with you forever.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I give up...

My prayer:
My precious Father. I am tired of the battle tonight. That usually means I am trying to do too much of the fighting on my own and not relying on you like I should. I give up tonight God. I give up to you. I am done trying to fight under my power. Why was I even trying? I know better. Only your strength is powerful enough to fight satan and his little minions. God, I give up to you tonight. I put it all in your hands and trust you to take care of it and of me. Thank you Jesus!

What God Said Tonight:
I am your strength. Sometimes the most courageous and most powerful thing you can do is to give up to me. Surrender to me. When you fall, I will catch you. When you let go, I will hold you. When you need help, I am here. Give it all over to me.

I don't need you to fight. I need you to trust. I don't need you to be strong. You know the word, it is in our weakness that I am shown to be strong. Stop trying to keep it all together and fall apart in me. I will put you back together and it will be better than ever. I am your Father who loves you. I am here for you always.

When we are through this battle, you will be better equipped. You will have a greater arsenal. You will know how to fight the fight better. Or, to be more accurate, you will know how to let me fight the fight for you better. You will have more to give. You will have more to bless those around you. You will be more and have more when you give it all up.

I love you daughter. I know it doesn't make sense, that doesn't make it any less true. I am truth. trust me to get what you need for the next season, you need to give it all up. I love you now and forever. I am with you and will never leave you. I will guide you always.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


My prayer:
God, all knowing God, I am confused tonight. Seems like I am running into a lot of road blocks and I don't know if they are closed doors from you or if they are are stumbling blocks from satan. Usually I can tell but right now I am not sure. I think it is satan's game because there is always a work around to get it accomplished. Then the next time I use the work around, it doesn't work and I have to find a new one.  I ask for wisdom to know for sure.

God, there are so many wonderful new things happening and you know I love that, but it can be confusing too.

I know that part of my confusion is a result of my own insecurity. I don't like confusion. You are not a God of confusion. I pray God for clarity of thought. I pray for a greater understanding of the battles that  are going on right now. I pray God for strength to get through the battle.

God, I love you and I trust you. Speak really clearly to me right now so I can be sure to get this right.

What  God Said Tonight:
Your confusion is a direct result of your insecurities tonight and satan is playing them for all that they are worth. Choose whose voice you will listen to. Choose who you will follow. Choose the truth that you will believe.

I know you love me and I know that you want to follow my will in the abstract; but now, you need to choose my will in the reality and in the specifics. I am asking you to do things and not do things that you are not comfortable with. It makes you doubt your abilities. It makes you uncomfortable. It makes you wonder if you are doing the right thing.

What it should also make you do is remember the many times that I have asked you to do things in the past that at the time did not make sense, but in hindsight, you realized the purpose and plan in it all. I need you to remember that I have your life and your future well under control. Do not be afraid. Do trust my plan for your life. I would not have brought you this far to leave you. I am not a subtle God. When I want you to do something and when I don't want you to do something, I always tell you, straight out. I will not make you guess. You are not alone. I am with you every step of the way.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Who is God...

My prayer:
Indescribable God. You are beyond my ability to describe adequately. You are so much more than anything else that ever was or ever will be. You are so much more than we can even imagine. When people say that God doesn't make sense, it is kind of true. You are beyond our ability to make sense of.

God, I want to know all of you. I want to know every aspect of you. The more I get to know you the more I love you. The more I get to know about you the more I want to know. You are my first thought in the morning, you guide me through each day and you are my last thought at night. I love you I love you I love you! I am nothing and you are everything. I love you more than I thought possible.

God, I want to see more miracles, because I want to know all of you. I want to do more for you so I understand you better. I want to spend time with you so you can tell me more about who you are and what is important to you

Then God, as I know you more, make me more like you. God give me the ability to see and love people like you do. God, help me to see situations like you do. Help me to see your possibilities in our impossible situations. Help me God to think like you.

I love you God. I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight:
And, my daughter, I am all yours. That is the thing that you most need to know about me. You need to know and understand that I am here because of you. My whole purpose centers around you my children. You are what I wake up for and you are what I think about all of the time. You are my creation and my children and I have designed and created all of this for you.

Now, it wasn't always pretty. We have had our bumps along the way. But, in the end, we end up together forever in paradise That was my intention from the beginning. Because of sin, we have taken a pretty big side trail. But, we will still end up at the destination that I intended. You could say we took the scenic route.

I am here for your always because you are my primary concern. I will love you always because I am love and I created you to love you. I will rescue you and redeem you because I have promised to do so and I am God, I do not break promises. I will show you more of me any time and every time you seek me. I am. I do not hide. My mystery comes from being bigger than what you can imagine. It does not come from me witholding information from you. Anything you want to know, ask. Anything you want to understand, ask for wisdom and I will give it to you.

I am here for you and love you more than you can ever know. My sacrifice for you was the natural outcome of my all consuming love for you.

You have asked to be more like me. I will give you what you have asked for but it comes with great responsibility. It comes with challenges. You must remain humble. Pride will take you out if you let it. You must remember why you asked for it and use it always to help people. You are ready or you would not have been able to ask for it. I will open your eyes your ears, your mind and your heart to be more like me. You will begin to see connections and rationale that you did not see before. You will gain understanding of people and their actions. You will love like you have never loved before. Use it all for my Kingdom and for my glory and you will be blessed and not cursed.

I love you daughter and I am all ours.