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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


My prayer:
Mighty and incredible God. A day filled with favor, opportunities, and good friends...THANK YOU! Thank you also for helping me get some real sleep last night. I NEEDED that! 

You always seem to give me exactly what I need exactly when I need it. I know we say it a lot, but you are an on-time God! You are never early, but you are always on time. Thank you God for always being on time. 

Forgive me for when I get impatient. I am trying to be patient right now and it is a little tough. There are some really exciting things right around the corner and it is SO HARD TO WAIT!! I try to be patient. I try to enjoy the anticipation. I know people who enjoy the anticipation more than the actual event. That is not me, but I am trying to enjoy both. I know that in life, I spend a lot more time waiting for the great stuff than I do experiencing it, so I might as well learn how to enjoy the waiting. I just haven't been able to accomplish that yet. 

I love you God. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to and be anxious about! 

What God Said Tonight:
Waiting is a skill and a gift. You can ask me for help with it you know. I can teach you how to wait with expectation. I can teach you how to wait with joy. Yeah, to teach you that means I will need you have to wait some more.The only way to learn how to wait with expectation is to do it. But,if you can get this one thing, so many things in your life will be better. 

On time is also perfect timing. I am a God of perfect timing. I will never let you down but I will stretch your faith sometimes. Will you believe me when it is down to the midnight hour and you don't see how I can make it all work? Will you trust me no matter what?

Timing is really so important. Trust my timing and relax. Wait on me and everthing you do will reach its full maturity. When you try to rush things, you give birth to things prematurly and they are never as strong as they would have been if you had waited on my timing, waited for it to go to full term. Don't short change yourself by birthing things early. Wait on me, trust my timing, and enjoy the excitment in the wait. I love you and I will never make you wait longer than is neccessary but I will make you wait until everything is ready. I refuse to short change you. 

Rest in my love for you again tonight my sweet daughter. We have more tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Without you...

My prayer:
Thank you God for blessing me again, all day. Fact is, with 2 hours sleep last night, I shouldn't have even been conscious today; but with your help, I was destined to succeed all day long. 

Life without you would be SO HARD!! Life with you can be tough sometimes because you never let me coast. You always nudge me to look at and work on my rough areas. Then, if I don't pay attention or if I ignore you, I end up wishing I hadn't. Jonah knows what I talking about! But, through all of the growth and pain, I always have you, I always know that on the other end of it, you have something amazing. I always know that I am not going through the tough stuff for no reason. 

Without you, I would have to face all the same stuff, and probably more because I would likely be making more bad choices than I do now; but I wouldn't have you to call on for help. Without you, when I got sick, I would have to suffer and dull it with meds. Without you, I would lose hope and never know what was on the other end of a struggle. Without you, when I only got 2 hours of sleep in a night, I would be worthless for the rest of the day. Of course, without you I would also be headed toward hell. 

I thank you for a life with you. I thank you for never leaving me or giving up on me. I thank you for being my hope in every situation. I love you God!

What God Said Tonight:
I am happy to be with you in this life of yours as well my daughter. I planned for us to live this life together. I counted on it. I prepared a special time, a special place, and a special purpose just for you to fulfill. 

You are a one of a kind puzzle piece. Without you, the picture would be incomplete. Without you my family would be incomplete. Without you, I would wait and watch every day in anticipation of your return. 

Don't leave me. Don't forget about me. Don't get so busy with the blessings in your life that you forget who blessed you. 

I love you so much and there is SO MUCH more. You will seriously look back one day and say "Wow, did we really do that?" When that day comes, hear me now, YES WE DID! 

You rest now. Tonight's rest is going to be good and you will be alert, awake and ready for one more day by morning. Live free my sweet but live in me, in my principles, and everything will work out, I promise.

Monday, June 20, 2011

You fascinate me...

My prayer:
God, my God. I am not sure what to pray about tonight. I don't really have anything to say...a shocker I know!! Maybe I need to listen and not talk tonight? I love you more than ever God and I am here for whatever you want to talk about.

What God Said Tonight:
You know you have plenty on your mind tonight but you are holding back. Don't hold back from me. I want to hear all of your troubles, all of your joy, all of your thoughts. I am so in love with you and I can't wait to hear what you say next. You are my creation, my daughter, my child who I love enough to die for. I did all of it for you. You are the center of my interest and you are all important to me. 

I get angry sometimes. I don't always love what you do. You are still learning and you make some choices that make me shake my head. But I don't love you any less for those decisions. I don't become less interested in you when you make a wrong choice or work through a new issue. 

I am fascinated by you and all of your brothers and sisters. One of the reasons I made you with a free will to make decisions was so I could continue to be fascinated by you. I could have made you like the animals, following instinct. I could have made you like robots, always obedient to your ruler. I could have but I didn't because I knew that the only way we could have a true relationship, the only way that you could truly know me, the only way you could truly be you is if you were given the ability to choose. 

Now, that comes with a lot of responsibility and a fair amount of pain. Many have wondered through the years if I made the right choice. Many have wondered if it wouldn't have been better for us all if you did not have so much freedom. I understand the questioning but trust me that it could be no other way and the reward, an eternity with me in true relationship, is completely worth it. 

I love you daughter. continue to call on me, continue to fascinate me. I am right here and I am not going anywhere.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Clear vision...

My prayer:
Incredible miracle working God!! Love you so much I can hardly stand it!! 

God I love it when you heal us. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The physical healings are the ones that get all the press and they are IMPRESSIVE. Watching you straighten J's back today was truly AWESOME!! But just as amazing is when you heal depression, when you are able to bring your joy in to overcome tragedy, when you restore a weary spirit. 

God thank you for continuing to grow and heal me. Thank you for healing me of the bitterness that I let take root.Thank you God for reminding me of basic principles today. Thank you for reminding me that the first and best solution to a problem is often to hit it straight on. Thank you for all that you did today and thank you even more for who you are. 

God, this week is another busy one. I pray God for your help, your strength, and your timing to be in charge this week. I pray God that you help me throughout this week with your favor, your strength, and your wisdom. 

I love you Father! I honor you today as the Father of all fathers and my eternal Daddy! 

What God Said Tonight:
I am here and I am with you. You struggle when you don't have to sometimes. You aren't seeing clearly right now. I will remove the scales from your eyes so you can see the true enemy in this battle. I will reveal to you the truth of what is happening and when you see it, all of the struggle will make sense. You will have a new way to fight and you will not be stuck or caught in bitterness. 

The enemy is really worried right now. He knows what you are about to do and he is working as hard as he knows how to distract and derail you. Keep your eyes on me. I will give you clear vision and clear understanding of all that is going on. You will have every weapon you need and you will have warrior angels with you to help. I have sent my battalion your way and you will not fight alone.

I love you daughter and I am here, now and always. No good thing comes without some amount of work, without some amount of a fight. But trust me in this, when we break through it, it will be so worth it. Stay the course and don't lose heart. I love you sweet daughter. Let's do it!

Saturday, June 18, 2011


My prayer:
Awesome God I love you so much and I am so grateful for how you take care of me. There are so many dangers in this world, there are so many ways to get hurt physically, emotionally, and spiritually; but, I don't have to be afraid when you are with me. You take care of me. 

Often like today, you protect me from being hurt in the first place. Other times, you heal me through the hurt, turn it to my good, and make it another part of the tapestry that is my life. Either way, without you taking care of me, I would be afraid to get out of bed in the morning. 

Thank you for your protection, your covering, and your healing God. I am all yours. I pray God and ask that you anoint services tomorrow so people are changed and get to know you better. God I celebrate in advance every person who gives their life to you. I celebrate in advance every person who gains a deeper understanding of who you are. I praise you in advance for every miracle that you perform tomorrow God. I love you with my heart, mind, and spirit God. I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight:
Every good thing is yours. Every good thing is yours for the taking. I am your Father and I know how to give good gifts. I am your protector and I am your guide. I will teach you everything you need to know when you need to know it. I will be with you every step of the way. 

I am a Father that never leaves you. I am a Father who is never unfair to you. I am a Father who will never hurt you. I am your Father, your creator and I love you more than anything. 

As your Father, I can't always let you stay in situations, in sin, that is going to hurt you. I have to take you out of situations that will get you in trouble. 

I have some basic rules. Those rules are not meant to limit our life, they are meant to keep you safe. It isn't complicated. Love me and love your neighbor as your self. Do that and everything else will fall into place, you will be under my protection, and I will take care of you forever. You are never alone. I always have your back and your front for that matter. 

Always and forever my girl. Daddy loves you. You can trust my love.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Trekking with God...

My prayer:
Awesome God, what a week! It has been wonderful and has left me absolutely exhausted! I tried to nap a bit before meeting here with you tonight so I could pay better attention, but I think I am beyond the place where a nap is going to help. I am not complaining, I have loved every minute of the amazing things you put together this week. I can't wait to see what you do next. I love you and want to hear your voice tonight. What is on your mind Daddy?

What God Said Tonight:
A life lived for me will always satisfy. A life lived for me will always stretch you. A life lived for me will always take you a couple steps beyond where you thought you could go.

I love you daughter and I have such great plans for you. Don't try to do it on your strength though. Rely on me every step of the way. When you start to rely on your own strength, even a little bit, you end up exhausted.

Let me carry the load and you will go farther and walk longer than you ever could without me. It is like going on a long trek. You could carry a full pack with your tent and all your supplies, but you would not get very far every day before you were exhausted. However, if you bring someone to carry your pack for you, a guide to carry your load, you will go much farther and in the direction you intend without getting lost. Let me guide you and carry your pack and we will go farther every day on this amazing journey.

Sleep now and renew your strength. I love you daughter. Rest in my peace and my strength.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Holy Spirit...

My prayer: Awesome and incredible God. I am thinking a lot these days about your Holy Spirit power. I have been thinking about how important that is to me. 

I am more grateful than I can say that you Jesus died for me so my sins are forgiven. I am thankful daily that you took a beating so I and all of your children could be healed. I love you as Father and how you take such good care of me, teaching me, protecting me, providing for me, guiding me. I love all of you. 
But what I think I am realizing more than ever is that without your Holy Spirit power and anointing in my everyday life, I can't make it. Without that power, the rest is just words and good ideas. Without it, I don't get to see your miracle working power. But with it, with your Holy Spirit power, everything and anything is possible. With it, I can expect to see your miracle working power. With it, I have the strength, the wisdom, and the gifts to do everything you want me to do. Without it, I am a struggling child of God, desperately trying to make it. With it, I am a powerful woman of God who can do anything. 
Thank you God for your Holy Spirit power in my life. Forgive me God if I took it for granted. I will do a better job of encouraging and sustaining that power in my life. I love you God. Thank you for everything that you are!

What God Said Tonight:
Walking this life with you is a joy my daughter. I am grateful for every moment we have together. There are things to do and things to accomplish but sometimes like now, is a time to experience and enjoy each other. 

My Holy Spirit power is meant for you. I sent it to you to be your help and your guide. It is ever present in your life. You may be more aware or less aware of its presence depending on what else you are busy with but it is always there.

It is what gets you up in the morning and what sustains you through the day. It is what encourages you when you are discouraged. It is what leads you where you need to go. It is my most direct connection with you for now. You hae neglected directly accessing that power lately but it remains there waiting for you. You have a lifetime pass to it. I sent it to be your helper and it will not return to me until its work is done. Until my work is done. 

There are so many things occurring in the spiritual realm right now. I am tempted to give you a glimpse but I am not sure that would be the best idea. For now, trust me that you being actively plugged into my Holy Spirit power is more important now than ever. I love you and have given you everything you need. Go and do what I have called you to do. My Holy Spirit will go with you, I promise.