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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010


My prayer:
God you are so awesome.  Thank you for all you do and all that you are.  Thank you for a great day today.  It was just FUN and I needed some fun!  We are about to embark on a new adventure God and I put it in your hands.  I pray and ask for your traveling mercies and that you guide and direct me every step of the way.  I pray for smooth travel and your blessings and protection over me, the airplanes, the airports, the hotels, my home, Tess, my family and my friends.  I pray God that you make me a blessing every where I go.  I love you God.  What is on your mind tonight?

What God Said Tonight:
Your safety is assured.  Your plan, your goal is already accomplished.  Rest knowing that I have that and stay alert for opportunities to be my light on this trip.  Don't go into tunnel vision travel mode.  Be alert to opportunities to do my will.  Be alert to the plan and purpose on your life.  Don't worry about anything, just stay connected with me and I will guide you every step of the way. 

You frontiers and your territory is expanding.  You will see such great miracles.  I can't wait to show you.  I love that you expect miracles.  I love that you don't try to find alternate explanations, you accept them for what they are.  I want to show you more.  I want to take you to places you have never seen and show you things you have never seen.  I want to walk side by side with you into a great future. 

You are my love.  You are a part of me and I am a part of you.  Can you feel me with you tonight?  Can you feel my presence?  That warmth, that assurance, that peace, that love, that is me.  That comfort like a strong shoulder to lean on, that is me.  That warm glow is me too. 

I love you daughter. Stay in constant contact with me wherever we go.  I love you so much.  We are going to see some really great stuff together.  We are going to have such fun!  Love you more than you will ever we go!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas present...

My prayer:
Mighty God.  Seems like a lot of things aren't turning out the way I would expect them to right now.  But I am trusting you.  I know that you are in charge of my life and even though some of it seems a little crazy, I know that you will work it all out. 

God, you are doing so many amazing things right now.  Why can't I keep focused on those things and not worry about the things that don't seem to be working out right now?  Why is it that it is so much easier for me to focus on what is not happening instead of all of the wonderful things that you are doing?  If I concentrate, I can go through every amazing opportunity, the amazing success and favor you have on me, the love you pour out on me, the opportunities to bless others and more. The great thing is, I have specific examples for all of it.  You are doing so much GOOD in my life right now. 

God I want to concentrate on that and stop worrying about the things that are yet to come.  I want to, but I haven't been able to yet.  God I ask for your help to keep my mind focused on what I have and not on what I don't have.  I ask that you help me to keep my mind on the joy you have placed in me and not on the pain that comes from this life sometimes.  I ask for your help.  I ask for a strategy or a sovereign move in my life, what ever you think is best.  But, I don't want to continue with this focus on the lack instead of on the bounty.  I love you God.  Thank you for your help.

What God Said Tonight:
Sweet daughter, there is no lack in our life.  There is only what you have and what you are going to have.  You have been promised the desires of your heart.  They are all coming.  You couldn't handle it if you had them all now.  You would be overwhelmed by the joy and not able to actually experience it. 

You have a lot of life left to live.  Pace yourself. There is not a single dream in your heart that will not be fulfilled.  I put them there and I will ensure that you see them all.  But, to see them all right now, all at once, would ruin your ability to experience them. 

You are right to want to focus on what you have.  Your life is very rich.  You have such joy and favor on your life.  It is good to think on that often.  Then, when you think about the other dreams, the ones that you haven't seen accomplished yet, stop thinking of them as being lacking or missing.  They are simply in wait of the perfect timing, the timing that will best allow you to enjoy them. 

Think of them as your treasure chest.  They are being kept safe for the right moment.  When that time comes, you will open the chest and realize the next dream.  It is my great wish for you that you always have dreams that have been realized and more importantly you always have dreams in your treasure chest waiting to be realized.  The anticipation of the dream can be as fun as the dream itself when you see it like that.

It is also like a Christmas present. It is all wrapped up and waiting for Christmas morning.  You can see it, but you can't experience it until the time is right to open it.  Every day you look at it and it looks so beautiful.  You want it now, but you know if you open it early, you will be sad when Christmas morning comes and you have nothing to open.  Wait on the right time and then open your dream.  It is best that way and I want the best for you.  I love you daughter.  Rest well. Shalom.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

In God's arms...

My prayer:
Hi God!  Today had a little bit of everything--pain, frustration, success and great joy--a bit of a roller coaster really.  It really hurt today when I found out that someone was making fun of me behind my back.  I was hurt, got angry and almost let bitterness settle in.  Thank you God for making me aware of it and showing me what to do.  I have felt so much better since I prayed, forgiving her and asking you to bless her.  Something so simple, but it really worked. 

And then, on the flip side, I get a message from someone who you are blessing so much through the blog, reminding me what is really important.  Reminding me that you, your kingdom, your message and getting it out the world is all that really matters.

God continue to reach people and touch people.  I ask that you continue to let me be a part of it.  It is all that truly matters.  Everything else fades to gray in comparison.  I love you God.  Thank you for your healing power in my life.  Thank you for teaching me about forgiveness.  Help me to maintain that forgiveness and not fall back into the hurt and bitterness.  Help me to keep focused on what really matters.  Help me to stay focused on the people being blessed and healed by you.  You are my God and I am forever yours!

What God Said Tonight:
I am sorry you were hurt today. I want to just hold you and love you tonight.  I want you to know my love.  You will always have people in your life who are blessing you and cursing you. Sometimes the same people will be blessing and cursing you at the same time.  But you can always rely on me to be there to love you through it all.  You can always trust me to bring you through it.  You can always count on me to be completely on your side. 

It is good for you to forgive.  It is healthier for you and it shows others my love.  Forgiveness is good for everyone involved.  True forgiveness stays and does not fade away.  You will maintain your forgiveness if you have truly forgiven.  Sometimes it is hard to know if you have really forgiven until you see if you are able to maintain it or not.  Forgiveness can be hard work.  Keep at it though.  You know it is worth it.  To forgive easily is to live free.  You live free of bitterness and anger.  Free of the bondage of anger and pain.  It is marvelous.  True forgiveness will heal and set you free. 

That being said, let me love on you tonight.  You are my daughter and I love you so much  Let me wrap you in my arms and have you sit with me.  You are my most precious child and I love you. I want you to feel my love tonight, to know my love to the depth of your gut.  You are made perfectly and I love you.  You are my intended and you are what I intended you to be. Remember they made fun of me too.  You will wake tomorrow stronger because of today. I will hold you all through the night as you heal.  Sleep in my arms tonight.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Delayed rescue...

My Prayer:
Awesome God.  I am so very grateful for you in my life.  I am so grateful for your power and your purpose. I am so grateful that I can call on you in any situation, mine or anyone's and you will help. 

God, there are so many people in my life with major struggles right now, death, divorce, loss, pain, sickness, money trouble, you name it and I have a prayer request already submitted to you right now.  God, I pray a blanket covering over those prayers and ask that you move quickly and decisively in these situations.  As hard as it is to wait on my own stuff, I think it is even harder to wait for other people's prayer requests. 

God, I want to see you move in their lives and change their situations. And yet, even as I pray I can hear you reminding me of the value of the struggle. The value of waiting.  Maybe I shouldn't be asking for it, but it just seems like this time of year, your kids should be celebrating instead of crying.  And, yes, we are to praise you in the middle of our struggle, but...there's that word again.  I guess I should stop right there. 

God, I just pray your will be done in every situation and in every struggle.  I pray that you help them in the way that you know is most helpful and in your timing which is always perfect.  I apologize God for second guessing your will and you timing.  I apologize that I almost put a condition on my praise of you.  God I will praise you forever, even if you never do another thing.  I praise you because I love you, not because of what you do.  Although, what you do makes me love you all the more.  What you do reflects who you are and that is my wonderful and amazing God. 

Wow, this prayer is all over the place God.  It is hard to see people struggle.  I just want to make it all better and since I know I don't have the ability to do that, I want you to make it all better.  What I want more than that is your will to be done.  Your will is always better for us.  In the end, it is always better.  I guess I would just ask God that you bring all of my friends through these trials as quickly and as painlessly as possible; but, your will be done above all else.  In Jesus name, amen.

What God Said Tonight:
Where is all this confusion from tonight daughter?  You know me.  You know that I don't ever let my children suffer longer than what they can stand or longer than what is best for them.  I love my children so much.  Sometimes decisions are made that have consequences on the people who make the decisions as well  as on other people around the people who have made the decisions.  I cannot stop those consequences but I can make sure that my children survive and that the pain and struggle are turned around for their good. 

You know from experience that pain can be a great teacher.  You know from experience that pain can make you more able to love.  You know from experience that the learning the art of forgiveness is the greatest gift I can give my kids.  And through it all, I will love you so much.  I will love you through the pain and the struggle.  I will  love you when you are a mess.  I will love you while you make the wrong decision.  I will love you when you hit bottom and choose me.  I will ALWAYS love you .  You are my very own and I will always love you. 

I cannot promise resolution to every struggle quickly but I can promise you resolution.  I can promise you that tomorrow will be different from today.  I can promise you that in the end, it will be you and me standing victorious over the situation.  I can promise you the praise report you crave.  When the time is right.  When I am done and when they are done learning what they need to know. 

Not every struggle is meant to be a lesson.  Most don't start out that way.  However, I can use any struggle to teach you something.  That is one of the keys to getting through the struggle.  Look for the learning opportunity in the struggle.  If you don't see it right away, stay alert and I will show it to you. 

I don't delay the rescue because I don't love you.  I delay the rescue because I love you so much!   I love you too much to let you keep you old hurts.  I love you too much to see you handicapped in this life.  Life is a process of healing in me.  One day, we will all live in heaven together and when that day is here, we all have to get along.  We all have to love on each other.  Every struggle is an opportunity to learn to love more. 

Trust me to love you and your friends enough to make sure you have everything you need to face tomorrow.  I will see this thing completed.  I will not abandon any one of you, ever.  We are in it for eternity.  I love you princess.  Rest tonight and trust me with it all.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


My prayer:
God. My God. God almighty. God who became flesh, died and was raised from the dead just so I could know you.  God, I am in total awe of you.  I am humbled by your awesome power.  I am lost in the wonder of who you are. 

God, let me see even more of you.  Let me know you even more.  Let me get even closer to you.  Sometimes I think I can't take anymore, you are so overwhelming, but then, I don't care, I just want more of you.  I don't care if I can take it or not, I just want more of you. 

I love you so much.  I don't know if I even knew what it was to love before I knew you.  I don't know how I made it through one day without you.  What a huge relief to know that I never have to live another second without you. 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!! All of life fades into irrelevance in your presence.  I worship you God and rest in your presence.  I revel in you God.  Be my God forever. Be mine forever God.

What God Said Tonight:
Beautiful daughter.  My love for you has no bounds.  You are my perfect child, washed in my blood and ready to take on the world. 

You have more drive than is healthy sometimes.  You are learning though. You are learning balance.  You must remember to always keep the sabbath holy.  For you, it is most important.  Without it, you will work yourself to death.  I love that you are always wanting to do more for me.  I love that you work so hard but I want you in it for the long haul.  To do that, to not burn out, you must keep my sabbath holy.  It was made for you.  It was made to give you rest and keep you balanced.  One day, no work.  Make it happen. 

You are precious to me and I will not see you destroyed by too much of a good thing.  I will not see you harmed.  I will protect you even from yourself when needed. 

You have much more to do and plenty of time to do it.  Your journey is no where near done.  I have a path and plan and it is glorious.  I wish you could see the paths that I have laid out for my children.  From the air they look like beautiful multicolored strands of light criss-crossing the world.  All different colors and sizes.  Some go for a long time.  Others are brief but so bright.  Some twist and turn and some are straight as an arrow.  And while they are all different, they all work in harmony together.  They are more together than just their separate parts.  Together they make a mosaic of light that is so beautiful. 

Your paths are so beautiful.  What you do for me is so beautiful.  I love you so much.  Always shine for me and I will always love and take care of you.  You are my beautiful lighthouse, my strand of colored light stretching out across the world. I love you daughter, sleep well.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Perfect will...

My prayer:
Mighty God, ruler of the universe.  My prayer tonight is simple God, your will be done.  I pray God, in every situation, in every struggle, in every blessing that your will be done.  I pray God for your perfect will to be accomplished.  Nothing more and nothing less than your perfect will.  I pray God that every relationship in my life be in your perfect will, every action in my life be in agreement with your perfect will, every thought be in agreement with your perfect will.  God, I consciously decide to right now to choose your perfect will for my life.  In Jesus name, amen.

What God Said Tonight:
Good prayer my daughter and one that I can easily and readily see accomplished.  You are mine.  You are what I intended you to be and as such, my will is running at full throttle in your life. 

You are about to experience even more.  You are about to experience even higher levels.  I love you so much. You will continue in my perfect will for your life.  More than what is simply good, I want perfection for you.  You are poised for perfection through the blood of my sacrifice. 

You know there is some cost, there always is.  You will have your struggles, but only as a way of perfecting my will in you.  You will have your doubts but only as a way of strengthening your faith.  You will run in the wrong direction sometimes, but only as a way of being able to better see the right direction when you  correct your route. 

I love you daughter.  Keep me first and everything I have for you is yours.  Be the blessing I made you to be and live in my perfect will every day.  You are meant to live there forever.  Bask in my light and feel its warmth.  I am your beach, your ocean and your sun.  I am everything you need.  I am your mountain and your mountain mover.  I am all that you will ever need and I am yours.  Forever.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


My prayer:
Awesome God!!! You are so incredible!!!! Thank you for what you did today!  Thank you for your anointing on the service today God. 

I tell you God, sometimes serving you is like a drug.  Sometimes I think I am addicted to serving you.  The more I do the more I want to do.  The more I step out of my comfort zone and do what you tell me to do, the more I want to do.  I want more God. 

Today was beyond awesome.  You were beyond awesome and I want more.  Wow, I know that sounds super selfish God but I truly think I am addicted to serving you.  I am not sure that it is a bad addiction.  I mean, it usually works out pretty well.  But it also leaves me never being satisfied, always wanting more.  God I want more of you.  I want to see you do more miracles in people's lives.  I want to be a part of what you are doing even more! 

Yep, sounds like addiction.  I don't know but I know I love you and worship you.  You are my God, my Lord, my saviour and apparently my drug of choice God.

What God Said Tonight:
If you are thinking of addiction as a bad thing, than no, you are not addicted.  But if you see addiction as always wanting more of something, then absolutely girl, be addicted to me.  Be addicted to serving me.  Be addicted without shame or worry.  I will always have more for you.  You don't have to worry about ever going into withdrawal because I am infinite I always have more for you. 

Those who are willing to lose their lives for me will gain them.  Lose you life for me and you will gain it.  Trust me to always have your next step, your next new thing. I love you so much.  Your "addiction" is nothing more than an expression of that love. 

I can't get enough of you. I will spend every moment of the rest of eternity with you and it will never be enough.  I will always want more of you.  It is only just that you feel the same about me.  It is only right that in this relationship of love that we are developing that we be so crazy for each other that we can't get enough. 

In this case my dear, addiction is a good thing.  Be addicted to me as I am to you.  I will never hurt you or harm you but I will honor your sacrifice and  obedience to me.  You are my precious daughter that I love you more than you can know.  I will make sure that you are never without...anything. 

I love you daughter.  I loved this day with you.  Keep wanting more because I have more to give.