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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Basic principles...

My prayer:
God full of mercy and grace.  Awesome ruler, creator, healer and teacher.  God you are so awesome.  I stand in awe of your plan and your purpose.  God I could never have imagined what you are doing right now.  It is really amazing how you make everything work together.

I am sorry for all of the times I have doubted God.  I am sorry for the times that I doubted that the struggle I was going through was worth it or had any purpose.  As I look back, I can see your purpose and plan working so perfectly in my life over the last 10-15 years.  It is so beautiful.  Your plans are so beautiful.  Sometimes it is hard for me to see the beauty because I am too close to it.  When I get some distance and see the big picture of what you are doing, WOW!  You are an artist God.  You make everything work together for my good.  I mean, you really do! 

God I pray for services around the world tomorrow that your anointing be present and that you accomplish everything you have planned.  God I pray that your power be evidenced.  I pray God that people see you in a new way, a more personal way, a more real way than ever before.  I pray God that your miracles be witnessed and that they raise our faith to do even greater things for you.  I pray God that your blessing pour over us as we worship you.  I love you God and I am all yours.

What God Said Tonight;
What is the main thing that you need to remember right now?  What is the main thing that you need to do?  You are walking into the future you have prayed for and you must remember the basic principles so you don't get lost in it. 

Remember that you are my conduit and my light.  Remember that what people see is my reflection in you and that is what draws them.  Remember your job is to show up and be willing and the rest is me.  Remember that there are truly only two things you need to do, love me and love your neighbor. 

Basic principles.  Keep it simple and you won't wander off.  You are prepared and you are what I planned for you to be.  I am glad that you can see the pattern and the purpose that I have had over your life.  I want you to remember this as you doubt dreams in the future.  Even in the most confusing of times, remember that I have a purpose and a plan and I will work it out for your good.  When you doubt, revisit this time when it all is so crystal clear.  You won't always see is it so clearly but you can remember this time and trust me. 

I love you so much daughter.  You light up the world reflecting me and I want you to do it forever.  Your purpose is just begun.  Your plan is just beginning to unfold.  You are my blessed daughter who I love and trust.  Rest in that knowledge. 

Ahh, you are resting in my arms tonight truly my daughter and it is so beautiful.  Just lie back and rest.  I will cradle you and take loving care of you forever.  Stay here for a minute.  You are perfected in Christ and I love you daughter.  My sweet daughter, good night.

Friday, November 26, 2010


My prayer:
Awesome Father, God all mighty.  Maker of the universe and lover of my soul.  God Thank you for today.  Thank you for rest God. You are my amazing God.  God I am not sure what to say tonight.  Life is generally good.  Exciting things on the horizon and nothing too tragic. 

I have all my usual insecurities.  They are kind of bad right now.  I think it is because I don't think I am good enough or what ever it is I need to be to give the message at church on Sunday.  I know that you have given me the message.  I know that it is about you and not about me.  And yet, (like how I didn't say "but" God?) what if I mess it up?  What if I can't deliver it the way you want it?  What if I get nervous and freeze?  What if, what if, what if??? 

When I use to give the message in the prisons, it was always small groups that couldn't leave no matter how good or bad it was.  This Sunday, it is my home church who I will see every week after this.  They are accustomed to great messages and great deliveries.  God, I don't want to disappoint you, Pastor Joe of the congregation.

I pray God in advance that you speak through me.  I pray God that I get out of the way so you can accomplish what you want to accomplish.  I ask God for the peace to know that you have this and I can stop worrying.  Thank you God for the opportunity.  Thank you God for all that you are doing.  Thank you God for being you and living in me.

What God Said Tonight:
What do you want to hear daughter?  You already know the answers.  This Sunday is not about you.  This Sunday is something that I have planned and prepared for.  You will be faithful and follow my lead as you do in every other kind of service. 

I love you and I will help you.  This is something I want to do. Remember daughter that I can use anyone.  I can use anyone who is willing.  I don't need you to be good enough or talented enough or charismatic enough.  I just need you to be willing and obedient.  You have shown yourself faithful.  You have shown yourself willing. 

You will see me in every act and every word.  You will see me shining and you will have peace knowing it is me.  I will give you the peace you want but really you already have it if you think about it.  Just remember to listen to all that I have told you and taught you about yourself, about me, about the Kingdom and you will have peace understanding that it is all in my hands. 

I love you and I will prosper you.  You are going to be amazed at the things you will see and do in the coming years.  You have wanted it for so long.  It won't always be easy.  Part of the waiting has been to be sure that you really want it.  There will be times when you wonder if the dream is worth it  You will question whether you really can or want to put up with the battles.  In those times, you can look back on the years of waiting.  That will remind you how much you want it and will help you get through the struggles. 

You are destined for great things.  All of my children are destined for such great things.  You are my kids and I am the creator of the universe.  How can you be made for anything but greatness? 

Find peace and rest in the assurance that this is me guiding you, directing you, talking to you and talking through you.  You are positioned perfectly and you have great things in your future.  Your future is golden and so are you. Shine.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


My prayer:
Awesome God, thank you for today.  I love Thanksgiving!  A holiday just to be thankful, eat a lot of food and spend time with people you love, what could be better? 

God I am grateful and thankful to you for so many things from the air that I breathe, to salvation, to healing, to relationships, to opportunities, to just your amazing love for me and so much more.  God, I cannot believe how privileged I am to live this life for you.  What a huge privilege to know you, call you Father and serve you.  I am grateful beyond words. 

God I am nothing without you but with you all things are possible.  I am lost without you but you are a light to my feet and a lamp to my path and you will guide me always.  I am nothing but you are everything.  I am weak but you are strong. 

I love you Father.  Thank you for everything.

What God Said Tonight:
I love you too daughter and I am thankful for your life. I am thankful that you chose to live for me.  I am thankful that you come to spend this time with me every night.  I am thankful that you are faithful.  I am thankful for our love. 

I want you to rest a minute and let me take this tonight.  I want you to lay back and let me drive.  There are some things that need to be said.  You are on the threshold of some pretty important changes.  Some you know about and some you don't yet know about.  It is exciting and wonderful but I need you more than ever to be sensitive to my voice.  I need you more than ever to hear me and speak my words. 

You are so ready for this.  You are nervous, thinking that you are not ready but you are.  I want this for you.  I want your dreams to come true.  I love you and want to bless you everyday.  I love you and I want you to have the very best of everything.  I love you and I want you to be in constant relationship with me forever.  I want so much for you and the time is now. 

Remain thankful.  Remain grateful.  Remain humble in your knowledge that none of this you but all of it is me.  Remember to trust and believe that I can do anything and you will see such amazing things. 

I am thankful for what you are going to do.  I love you daughter.  Go rest now, I see that you exhausted and it is a little hard to get through the sleepy brain tonight.  But, I love you and you are ready for the next steps.  You will love them. 

Keep your thankful heart my child. You have much more to be thankful for in the days ahead.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


My prayer:
Mighty God.  Thank you for another great day.  Thank you God for a warm house and food in the cupboard. 

God there are so many tonight that don't have that and it is SO COLD!! God, on nights like tonight, all I can think about is the people who have no place to stay warm.  This is killing cold God. 

I don't know what else to do but pray and ask you God to please take care of the people tonight who don't have a warm home.  I ask you God to provide for them warmth, safety, food and a place to sleep.  I know God that the shelters we have are not enough on their own.  God I pray that you multiply the provision so that everyone is taken care of.  God I put them in your hands.  I pray God that you show me what more I should be doing.  I ask God that you show me ways to be effective in their lives.  I pray God that you show me how to better share the gifts you have given me. 

Now that I don't work downtown anymore where I use to see and talk to so many of the people who didn't have a place to live everyday, it is easy to just get busy with life and forget.  Until a night like tonight.  I sit here in my home, furnace burning and I am still wrapped up in blanket.  What are they doing God?  How will they survive the night?  They need a miracle from you God.  I pray and ask for that miracle tonight. 

Thank you God.  I love you and am so grateful I can talk to you and hear from you.

What God Said Tonight:
I love you daughter and I love the people who are downtown tonight.  There are many who have found warm havens for the night.  Many have heard my voice and have followed me to safety.  My heart breaks for those who have not, will not or cannot  hear me tonight. 

My heart breaks for those who are freezing both physically and emotionally right now.  Those who are frozen in their spirit from past hurts are the ones that pain me the most.  Sweetheart, I have heard your prayer and I will send my angels to them to help. 

I love you and love your heart to help.  You are helping more than you know.  Try not to feel guilty that you can't take away their pain, that you can't make it better for all of them.  The job is too big for any one person.  Continue to do your part. Give when I tell you to give.  Serve when I tell you to serve or when you want to serve.  Pray and leave the rest to me. 

I will continue to move my people to help and I will continue to send my angels.  Some will be saved tonight.  Not just kept warm but truly saved.  Those are the people who are most blessed tonight.  They will see the love of God through the kindness of one of my children and it will win their heart for me.  Show everyone my heart and see if they don't come to me.  I will save them. 

I love you sweet daughter and don't ever lose our heart to help.  It is a great gift and makes your service so valuable to the kingdom. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Every day...

My prayer:
Wow God!  More opportunities today!!! You are so awesome.  I think I am actually beginning to understand when you say that you will pour out the blessing that I cannot contain!  Every day, there are new opportunities!  Sometimes, it seems like more than I can take on but as long as you are pouring out, I will open up and receive.  I love these seasons God!

I have had my fair share of dry, desert seasons where nothing seems to change and it is the same old thing day after day.  Those seasons are so hard.  I like this season so much more!  Life is exciting, fun and a little crazy! 

Ok, I will stop with the exclamation points but really...this is awesome.  You are awesome.  Life with you is awesome. 

God I pray that you guide me, help me to make wise decisions about the opportunities.  I pray God that you show me which are from you and which are not.  I pray God that you prosper the work of my hands so that whatever opportunities you tell me I should take, I am successful at. 

God I love you.  Thank you again.  "Thank you" is so paltry.  I really want a new vocabulary that lets me more appropriately thank you and appreciate you.  You are just so...well you know.  You are just so YOU!

What God Said Tonight:
I love you daughter.  You know that I love you more than I can tell you or even let you know in other ways.  I love blessing you. I love opening doors for you.  I love giving you opportunities to soar above what you thought was possible.  I love that you have lost the fear of stretching beyond what you think is possible.  I love that you are trusting me more and more every day.  I love that you are trusting yourself more and more every day. 

I love what we are doing in this season.  People are being touched and changed.  People are coming to understand me in a way that is more personal and more real than ever before in these last days. 

It is so important that people know me for real in these last days.  There will be so much deception and so much manipulation.  There will be so much misdirection.  People are going to have to know my voice as well as they know their own voice, their mom's voice, their spouse's voice.  They are going to need to be able to recognize me in the dark.  There are dark days coming and they will need to be able to recognize me to follow me out. 

I have a plan and future for all of my children.  It will require that they know me for real.  It will require that they know me for themselves.  They have to know me personally.  Not what someone told them I was but know me.  They have to know my heart.  They have to be able to recognize me to follow me out. 

Daughter, keep spreading the word.  Keep talking to me and about me.  Please daughter do not grow weary in well doing.  You are doing well.  Don't grow weary.  Stay balanced and run this marathon with me. 

I will always guide you, direct you and prosper you.  Those are solid promises on your life that you don't ever have to question.  Just stick with it.  Remain faithful, every day. 

I love you so much it hurts, but in a good way! Smile my daughter and rest in preparation of another day of opportunity tomorrow.  You are my golden light shining over the ocean of my people.  Guide them to me, shine on the rocks so they can steer around them.  Be my lighthouse every day.  Love you!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Just love...

My prayer:
God you are good.  You are just so good.  Today, was good.  You gave me favor and it was good.  You are GOOD!  I love you God.  I praise you God.  Did I mention YOU ARE GOOD! 

Thank you for being the Lord of my life.  Thank you for teaching me how to live life better.  Thank you for making me a better person.  Thank you for never giving up on me.  Thank you for loving me when I was at my most unlovable.  Thank you for sticking with me through it all. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for always having the answer. 


What God Said Tonight:
Thanks sweetheart!  I love you an awful lot too.  You are my precious child and the purpose of my heart.  You are the apple of my eye and I have etched you on the palm of my hand, like a tattoo, so I never am without you again.  You are my commitment forever.  You are my daughter.  You are my created daughter who I love.  You are so precious to me. 

Nights like tonight are so precious to me.  Nights where we just spend time loving on each other.  Life gets so busy and there are so many challenges, it is good to take time now and then to just love each other. 

You should do it more and not just with  me.  I have put people all around you that need that love too.  Take more time to just love.  Take time to let people know how special they are.  Take time to hear how special you are.  Take time to remember how special I am. 

Don't take any of it for granted. Your life and your experiences are extraordinary and no one else in all of creation has the same set of experiences that you do.  I have uniquely created your life for you.  You get to make choices throughout but even those choices are uniquely yours. 

Now there are aways similarities.  Without them, we could not connect and you could not connect to each other.  But even in the similarities there are aways unique experiences that make them your own. 

Cherish this life.  Cherish the people in your life.  Cherish me as I cherish you.  You are the love I have hoped for. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010


My prayer:
Hi Dad!  Thanks for today! 

The next couple days seem a little overwhelming if I think too much about it.  So much work and three days to get it done.  God I will seriously need your help.  I love you God and I am so grateful that you help me with the big stuff and the little stuff.  God thank you for getting it all done. 

Someone asked me the other day how I do it all and I told them, I pray a lot!  And that is really it God.  It is all you.  I couldn't manage half of the work, ministry, relationships if I was trying to do it on my own.  But you seem to figure it all out and give me each new thing so everything that needs to get done gets done. 

I ask you God to that again this week.  God I pray and ask that you make me effective.  I pray God that you make me successful.  I thank you God that you bless the work of my hands.  And God, in the middle of the potential craziness, help me to remember to be a blessing to the people around me.  Help me God to remember that the people are the reason behind it all.  Help me to remember that you are the purpose and the people are the reason.  I love you God.  Thank you for your help.  With you, all things really are possible.

What God Said Tonight:
You will be effective and you will be a blessing.  You are starting from the right place and I will help you. 

You haven't been asking for help much lately.  Not for the day-to-day stuff.  Please remember that I love you and I want to help you with all the areas of you life.  I want to be there for you in every struggle and challenge.  I want to help you.  But you do need to ask.

You do need to rely on me.  When you try to handle it yourself, you are trying to show that you have matured.  But true maturity in me means becoming like a child again with complete reliance and dependence on me. 

You will still have a lot to do.  I want you to be a part of what I am doing.  You have been given gifts that I want to use in the kingdom, but always remember that you need my help.  Always remember to start each day, each hour, each minute with the call of help and reliance on me. 

Let me be your strong tower.  Let me be your safe place.  Let me be the author and finisher of your faith.  Let me be your daddy. 

You don't have to be independent to be mature.  The thing is, the more dependent you are on me, the more mature you are in Christ.  Lean on me, depend on me, trust me and you will accomplish all that you have dreamed of and more.  There are many paradoxes in the kingdom of God and this is one of them.  To grow up in Christ you must be dependent like a child. 

It's time to rest now.  You will need energy this week  It won't be as crazy as you think but you will need to be rested.  I love you so much.  Let me be your rock.