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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Saturday, September 11, 2010


My prayer:
Mighty God. I am a bit of a mess tonight. I am way too focused on me tonight. You know how that messes me up. Why is it that no matter how many amazing and incredible things you do in my life, I eventually get stuck thinking about the things I don't have instead of the things I do have? I hate that about me. I get all tied up about what hasn't happened yet instead of loving what has happened.

I know you tell me you created me to be always wanting the next new thing, but sometimes that works against me I think. Or maybe I just think about it wrong. I'm sure it is me. I am sure that if I could see it all from your viewpoint, it would make sense. But, I am looking at it right now from my viewpoint and I am feeling alone, lonely and disconnected. I am feeling like I am off by myself and I don't like it.

I can already hear you saying, "don't trust your feelings" and "you are not alone", but sometimes, the feelings are very real and hard to dismiss. God, I need your help, right now, tonight. I need your comfort, right now, tonight. I need you, right now, tonight.

What God said tonight:
Your healing is not quite complete. You are not quite whole. That is why you still struggle with this now and then We have some more work to do. We have some more time to spend making you whole.

You have been created to be whole and to be my perfect daughter. Life gets in the way and takes chinks out of you. But, I can fill them back up. Let me fill you tonight daughter. Let me hold you and let you know that you are never alone again.

You are never on your own again. You will always have me on your side. You will always have me in your corner. You will have so many others in your life as well too. You are more loved than you know. You have more people on your side than you know. But regardless of that, I am on your side. I, the most high God of all creation is on your side and I love you more than you will ever imagine.

You will know from this moment on that I am yours. I an in you and will never leave you. Feel my presence and know that I am God but I am also you Daddy and your husband. I am the love that you yearn for. I am what you are searching for and I am here, for you, right now.

Reach out and feel me in your spirit. I wish I could reach out and touch you in the physical but that would freak you out a little too much. Some day. Some day we can be close like that, but for now, feel my in your heart and in your spirit knowing that my love for you is more real than anything else in the world.

I love you. You are not alone. You are not disconnected. You are my daughter, a royal priesthood and everything I planned for you is coming into existence. Love you with my whole presence. Feel me tonight. Trust that feeling.

Friday, September 10, 2010

It's the heart...

My prayer:
God, my God. I don't know how to express how I feel tonight. I don't know how to tell you how amazing you are. I don't know how to let you know how much I appreciate you and all that you are doing. My words seem so inadequate. I feel like I have said it all before and it doesn't say enough.

If I could write songs, maybe I could find the words to tell you. If I could speak more eloquently, maybe I could find the rights words. If I knew how to do it better, I would.

I love you. Your presence in my life is more important than the breath in my lungs. I wouldn't care to take another single breath if you were not with me. God, hear my heart tonight. Show me how to worship in spirit and in truth. Show me how to love you. Show me what matters to you.

Thank you for every opportunity you have brought me. Thank you for every miracle you have done. Thank you for loving me through every hurt. Thank you for prospering me. Thank you for taking care of my family, my friends. Thank you for dreams being realized. thank you for healing us inside and out.

I love you.


What God said tonight:
Sweet daughter, you don't have to try so hard, although I appreciate that you try. It shows me how much it means to you. That you care enough to struggle to find the words or the actions to show me love, means more than the words or actions themselves. There is the saying that it is the thought that counts. It is true. It is the thought, the heart that matters.

I see your heart. I see your love. I know what all of this means to you. I know what I mean to you. And as much as I mean to you today, as we continue to walk through life together, we will get closer, and I will mean even more to you.

There will be a day when there is no distance between you and me. We get closer everyday and one day, we will be as one. You sing that song about "until you and I are one." That day is coming.

I love you so much. I want you to feel that love tonight. See my heart as I see yours. Experience the overflow of love that I have for you. Fill up on it. Fill to overflow on my love. I will never run out of love for you. Come to me whenever you need a refill. I always have more.

Love out of the love we have for each other. Love you neighbor, your friend, your enemy , the stranger as an overflow of my love for you. Keep love as the center and the purpose and you will never lose.

Give, love, pray, worship and relax. I have it under control. I love you back, now and forever. Rest in my love tonight again. I never tire of your love or of loving you. There is nothing that I would rather do.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Give it away...

My prayer:
God, I love you and remain in awe. What's on your mind tonight?

What God said tonight:
Your worrying about the wrong things. You are worrying about the things to come, trying to figure it out, but you should know by now that I have this all taken care of. The timing, the content, the response, everything. I have ordered your steps and you just need to keep up.

I know you didn't bring up the worry, but I have been with you all day and know what's been on your mind. I know your prayers before you say them. I know your needs before you do. That doesn't mean that I don't want you to ask. "You have not because you ask not" is a very true statement. But sometimes, when we are close like this, you don't always have to say it for me to answer it.

I want you to have such confidence in my direction over your life that you don't worry about anything. I want you to trust so much in what I am doing that you don't ever lean on your own understanding of the situation. You will be moving into areas and arenas that you could not imagine before. You will need to trust me as you move into these areas.

You know what I can do. Stop worrying about what you can or can't do. I will work in you and take care of all that we need to accomplish. I love you and I will prosper you. You are the head and not the tail You are a royal priesthood. You are the apple of my eye.

You are all of this, but not for your own sake. You are all of this for the sake of others. I bless you so that you bless others. I prosper you so you will prosper others. I take care of your needs so you will take care of others. I love you so you will love others.

Every gift I give you is meant to be given away. But don't worry, everything you give away will come back to you multiplied, so that you can give it away and so it can come back multiplied again. Sowing and reaping is a real principle. It is true of everything in your life. I sow into your life and expect to reap the benefits. You sow into others lives and you will see the benefit. You will always receive more than you can give as long as you never stop giving.

I love you sweet daughter. One day closer to the next step...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I need you...

My prayer:
God, Lord, Saviour, Daddy, I am at a loss for words. I am so grateful God. You are answering prayers so quickly and so decisively right now! God, thank you for the praise reports of no cancer in the biopsy results today, of the 3 week old baby who fell down the flight of 14 cement stairs and only had one small scratch above one eye, of the rain today in Boulder to put out the fires, and so much more.

You are an awesome God. Thank you for hearing our prayers and acting on them. Sometimes, there is such a delay from prayer to answer that I can get discouraged and wonder if you heard me. But, it is in seasons like this where we pray and you answer even before I am looking for the answer that remind me that you are God, you hear every prayer, you are magnificent and you are working in my life to take care of me and all that concerns me. Who does that? What other god can promise to take care of my every need and every concern for the rest of eternity.

You promise you will guide me always, give me the desires of my heart and hear my prayer. You God, the creator of the universe, take time to listen to and take care of me and the people I care about...that is pretty incredible when I think about it.

God, there are some prayers, some true needs that are not yet met. I pray God for resolution to those situations that you are aware of. I pray for understanding and wisdom regarding the situations and help to maintain my constant faith in you to accomplish all that you have promised.

I love you so much. I love spending time with you. I love talking to people about you. I love you God.

What God said tonight:
This is a great time in history. Pay attention because you will want to remember this time. This is the beginning of many things and the ending of things that have died. You will experience great levels of satisfaction during this time, both from the beginnings and the endings.

You are blessed to live in this time and this place doing the things that you are doing right now. There is no greater time to come to me and to know me than right now.

I need soldiers. I need disciples willing to say yes to me. I need warriors who will fight the good fight of faith. I need people willing to love the unloveable. I need preachers to spread my word. I need servants to serve my people. I need you and all that I have put in you for there is so much to get done right now.

I will equip you with everything that you will need if you just say yes. Do not fear. You are ready. You are prepared. You are in position. Just say yes. you are going to be amazed at the effectiveness that you begin to see in your life. Things that you have struggled to move forward for years will move forward without effort.

You will be amazed at the reach of your obedience to me. It will have such an effect, you will not be able to measure it, though you will try (see, I do know you my sweet daughter). I love you and you keep saying yes. You keep choosing me and see what we can do.

My angels surround you. You will hear their worship of me. My Spirit is within you. You will feel it's fire. My love covers you. You will know its presence by the love you give out and the love that comes back.

You are my precious creation and I am proud of your willingness to say yes. I am proud to call you my child, my friend, my bride. Shine on. Sleep well tonight my sweet girl. You will wake up with a renewed sense of purpose tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't turn your back...

My prayer:
Wow God. Wow! I don't even know what to say tonight. You are so amazing. I am in awe of what you are doing. I am in awe of how you touch people. I am in awe of how you can take one simple thing, one simple idea and make it mean so much to so many.

God I pray that you continue to anoint and bless this ministry. That you continue to bless and prosper the ideas and the next steps. I pray God that you bring each and every person who you want to reach to the website, this blog, the blog on how to hear you. I pray God that you continue to guide this ship and thank you that you have promised to guide me always. I pray God that everything that you planned to accomplish through this crazy journey is accomplished in the excellence that is representative of you.

God, you get all the glory and praise! You are incredible, amazing, loving, strong, understanding, and everything I have ever or will ever need. Thank you for letting me be a part of what you are doing!

What God said tonight:
Quiet your mind a minute daughter. I know it is exciting, but I have more to say. I need your focus here and on me right now. Do not wander away.

Believe it or not, more people walk away from me in the middle of the good times than do in the middle of the hard times. It is easy in the good times to forget me. It is easy to focus on the fun, the joy the excitement of it all and forget that it was me who brought it all.

Don't ever leave me. Don't ever turn your back on me. I can't take that. I need you with me. I love you and have loved you from the dawn of time. Seek me as hard or harder during the good times as you do in the bad. Use the celebration as a time to be close and know that we did this thing together. Don't forget me and don't turn you back. For your sake as much as mine.

Thank you for you faithfulness daughter. Thank you for seeking me everyday, and night. I love you so much. My place is in your heart and yours is in mine. We will accomplish many more things. I have the next steps already planned out. Just keep walking with me and don't turn away. If I am ever not in front of you, turn around, you have likely turned your back without realizing it.

I love you and want to be your Lord, your focus, your love for the rest of your days. You and me girl. We will do this thing together.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Because I love you...

My prayer:
Wow God, we have been doing this for 100 nights so far! You are so cool. The way that you make stuff work is amazing!

Thank you God for the ideas that you give me. Thank you for the way that you prosper those ideas. Thank you for opportunities to serve you every day.

Today was fantastic on so many levels. I am just kind of giddy God. There's a word I don't have the occasion to use very often but it fits tonight. I can't stop smiling! God thank you for joy. Life without joy would be so ridiculously hard and painful. These seasons of joy, and the anticipation of seasons of joy, keep me going during the tough times.

I love you God. Thank you for all that you are doing and all that you have given me. God help me to do everything you need me to do. Help me to stay focused on what you want and not get caught up in what I think should happen. Help me to remember that who I am and what I am worth is defined by you and nothing else. God help me to remember humility in the middle of success. You are mine and I am yours God. What's on your mind?

What God said tonight:
It was a really good day. So much is moving forward. I am excited too. Part of your excitement is the overflow of mine. Your joy is the overflow of my joy. Your pain is the overflow of my pain.

Everything you feel and experience, I have felt and experienced. Not because I had to but because it was important to me to understand you and be able to love you better. Loving is about finding what the person you love sees as being loved and doing that. That was why it was so important that I did the things the way I did. That is why I had to come and first live with you before I could die for you. I had to know how you felt to know how to love you.

Everything I do is because of my love for you. I have said that before, but I don't know that you really get it. Every time you ask "why...?" you can know that my immediate answer will be, "Because I love you." Now sometimes, that answer will seem initially strange. Typically when you ask "why" it is over something hard or unpleasant. Answering with "Because I love you" may not make sense right away. But eventually, I will show you how even in the tragedy, my love and purpose will always come through.

Why did you have to wait so long? Because I love you and did not want you to get into something too early and be destroyed by it. Why did your Grandfather die when you were so young? Because I love you I made sure that you would always remember that relationship with the idealism of a six year old girl. He is always the hero in your mind and there is a purity in that which brings more joy to you than had you had more years with him.

We could go on, and we probably will at another time, but for now know that, "Because I love you." is the only answer I will ever have for you, because everything I do is out of my love for you. Be my lighthouse again tomorrow friend. I will shine through you.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


My prayer:
Hi God. I'm here a little early tonight. No particular reason. I was just sitting out back, enjoying the night and thought it would be a good time to talk with you. This was a pretty great day. Not because of anything in particular but any day with you is a good one.

God, there are a lot of people in my life that really need a breakthrough. People who love you and have been trusting you but they aren't seeing anything move. You know how hard it is for us to wait. Especially when that wait starts to stretch out over years. We start to think that maybe our faith is worthless.

God I pray for breakthrough for my friends this week. I pray God that you show them light at the end of the tunnel of their situation. I pray God that you show them what you have for them, the plans you have made for them. Help them to have renewed hope in you and in their own futures and dreams. If they need to do something different, show them what to do. If they need to change something, show them what to change and help them change it.

God you know the reason I can pray this prayer so easily is because it has been my personal prayer for years. I am so appreciative of what you are doing in my life and the dreams that you moving forward. The waiting was hard. Help my friends in the waiting.

I love you God. Thank you for understanding that it is not that we don't love or trust you, we just have a hard time waiting.

What God said tonight:
I know it is hard to wait but there is so much value in waiting. It is in the waiting that you gain your strength and your faith. It is in the waiting that you grow. It is in the waiting that you consciously choose me, even when it doesn't look good.

Don't despise the waiting even though it is hard. Remember the value of the waiting. The waiting will prepare you for what comes next. Could you have done what I am asking of you now even two years ago. You know the answer is a resounding NO.

You needed the waiting to prepare and you will hopefully always be waiting on something. Always growing, trusting and believing for more. When you achieve, receive or get to that thing you are waiting for, it is not a final destination. There is no final destination. You have everlasting life with me. There is no end, there is only today and the next thing. There is only you and me forever.

You have signed on to a life of joy with me throughout eternity. The other choice was an eternity in hell with satan. You made the right choice. When you start seeing waiting as a good thing, as a sign that you are not finished, you are not done in, that there is still purpose and a plan for you to fulfill, it will be less difficult.

I will continue to provide hope when you need it. I will provide glimpses of the future to keep you encouraged, but keep your eyes open. Sometimes I provide those cues, that hope and you miss it because you are so stuck in being miserable in your waiting. Make a different choice so you can see the hope I give to you.

I love you sweet daughter. You are the apple of my eye and the warmth in my heart. Let's hang out a bit tonight. The work is done, let's just enjoy being together...