My prayer:
Tomorrow is Monday again already! I am not ready to go back to work. At least I know you go with me. You are amazing and I love how you work in my life. Maybe that is the way to think about it. Going back to work tomorrow gives you opportunities to show off your awesomeness.
Let me be a reflection of you on this earth God. Let people see you instead of me when they look at me, when they talk to me. God, let you love flow out of me like a fire hose.
I love you!
What God Said Tonight:
You life is good. It is going to go well tomorrow.
I do not tell you these things as prophecies. I tell them to you as fact.
I am yours and you are mine and I will make you prosper, wherever you are. Just like Joseph. I even made him prosper as a slave. No matter where you are at or what is coming against you, I can and will make you prosper.
I love you too.