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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Random thoughts...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I have way too many random thoughts running through my mind tonight and I am having trouble focusing them enough to even know what to talk to you about. Truth is, 90% of my thoughts tonight probably don't really matter and will be forgotten by the morning.

I find it amazing how something that seems so important in the middle of the night, can be completely unimportant in the morning. Somehow, the light of day seems to clarify things and prioritize things in a way that the nighttime will not allow.

See, random and meaningless thoughts...Probably a clear sign that I should stop talking and start listening. Love you Daddy!

What God Said Tonight:

I have a lot on my mind too. Some of it profound, some of it may seem random, but all of it has a purpose in the end. The same is true with you. 

Even the random thoughts are often placed in you by my Spirit and meant to spark new ideas, new opportunities, new paths for you to consider. I am the author and finisher of your faith and I have given you the mind of Christ. 

Don't be so quick to dismiss the random thoughts. Sometimes, they are extremely valuable. I love you. I have you in my hands. I am guiding you, now and forever.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Light at the end of the tunnel...

My prayer:

Mighty God, I pray and ask for hope tonight. Life can be pretty rough, disappointment is common place and more than a couple of people I know are stuck in hard situations that they don't see a way out of. 

God, you are the way out. You are our hope. You are our promise of a future. 

I pray and ask that you bring hope to every disappointed and broken hearted person tonight. I pray that a wave of your hope go across the world, touching every person, every heart, with new life and an assurance that things will not always be as hard as they are now. That there is a promise and dream on them that will still come to pass. That you have not forgotten them. You have not walked away. Your plan is still in motion and you are working everything for their good. 

I pray that you put that absolute knowledge deep into their souls where it can never leave them. THANK YOU JESUS!

What God Said Tonight:

What greater hope can there be than to know that the God of all creation is your Father, your Lord, and that I have your best interest always at the forefront of my thoughts and actions? 

I am the great and might Yahweh. I am the Alpha and the Omega and I loved you so much I died for you. 

Your hope is in me. Your hope is found in me. Your hope is seen in me. 

When you are looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, look toward the true light. Look toward me. I will always be shining bright, showing you the way yout. I will always be your light at the end of the tunnel. 

I love you. Trust me to take care of it. I am still in charge.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hanging out with God...

My prayer:

I am not sure what to pray about tonight God. I have needs, but you already know them. We have already talked about them. Other people I know and love have needs, but you already know them. We have already talked about them.

I mainly just appreciate getting to spend time with you tonight. Just hanging out in your presence, no pressure, no worries. Just enjoying you. And, as always, happy to listen. 

What God Said Tonight:

I am in you, you are of me. We dwell together. We live together. But even when you live with someone, it is awfully nice to take time to just spend time in each other's presence. It is true of your friends, your spouse, it is true of me. I love hanging out with you. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The best trails...

My prayer:

Thank you God for more surprise blessings today! I feel wonderfully spoiled. You are beautiful. The life you have created is beautiful. I remain in awe of you!

I am excited to see what surprises you have for me this week. I pray for the strength, wisdom, and faith to receive each one as the blessing you intend it to be. 

Guide me, direct me, surround me, and keep me, as always sweet Lord.

What God Said Tonight:
Sometimes the best paths, the best trails are the ones that are the hardest to climb. You climbed a great trail today, one you had never been on  before, and saw things you had never seen before. To get there, you had to work really hard. You had to push beyond your limits. You pushed beyond the pain to see what I had for you. And, you did it with joy. 

I would love to teach you to do that with every hard climb in your life. I would love for you to see every challenge with an assumption that the destination, the experience, is worth the effort and yes, even worth the pain. 

I will never take you down a path that does not have your reward, your benefit, as the the result. I will always have rewards for you; not just in the completion but along the way. 

Remember the hike today. Remember how each turn, each new elevation brought new beautiful vistas. Look for the beautiful vistas on your path in life. I promise to have many beautiful moments for you if you look up , if you just look up and see them. I love you sweet girl.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

New things...

My prayer:

Thank you God for a WONDERFUL day full of surprises!!! I loved everyone of them! Thank you for the fresh vision and assignment tonight. Can't wait to see how you work that one out. I am READY! 

You are so very good to me and I love you like crazy.

What God Said Tonight:

The season outside is Fall but in the spirit realm, it is Spring. New life is beginning right now. New growth is occurring. New dreams are being dreamed and new visions are being seen. New paths are being forged and new lives are be reborn. 

It is the season of new. 

That is why you had so many surprises today, I am doing new things. That is why you  and others are seeing things you don't usually see. I am doing a new thing. 

Get ready for more. This season has just now begun. You are going to love it!

Thursday, October 2, 2014


My prayer:

Too tired too think or to pray, but never too tired to listen. Thank you for getting me through another one God. One more to go!

What God Said Tonight:

Rest your mind, your body and your spirit tonight my love. You have more to do but for tonight, rest in my arms. Rest in my peace. 

Know that I will take care of every last detail and make certain that all things work to your good. Lay your head on my chest, close our eyes and trust me. I love you so.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Knowing the truth...

My prayer:

God, all knowing God. I pray and desperately ask for better discernment of the truth in all things. Life, people, situations have so many layers and even when I think I know what is going on, something will happen that will let me know that I did not even know half of the truth of the situation. Add in the mysteries of the spiritual realm and I am really at a loss. 

God, please help me to know the truth from the lies. Please make the hidden known. Please guide me to the path that you have for me even when I can't see why I should be on it. 

Thank you Jesus, Father, and my everpresent helper, Holy Spirit.

What God Said Tonight:

It is not truly truth that you are most concerned about. You think that it is truth but it is really knowledge. There is a thirst for knowledge in you that has been in every generation. The constant need to know. To have everything revealed and uncovered. To resolve all mystery. 

You somehow think that if you know all, that nothing can harm you. Nothing can surprise you. That simply is not true. Even if you knew everything, which you cannot begin to comprehend, but even if you could, and you knew everything, you would not avoid all harm. 

I am your guide. I am your help. I am all knowing and know the end from the beginning. I will reveal truth, knowledge to you as you need it. But more than that, I need and want you to listen to my voice, let me guide you, trusting that I know what I am doing. 

Sometimes, not knowing everything is a blessing. Trust me to reveal what you need to know when you need to know it. 

That, however, is not a release from studying. Study my word, study me. It is its own reward. I love you. I got you covered.