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The History: A couple of years ago, I started journaling my prayers and God's responses to them. I told my friends about this, they were really interested. I told my Pastor about it and he said, how about sharing those on line. When I asked God, He said, my words are for you, but not just for you. And, here we are...I hope He speaks to you in these words.

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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Be a blessing...

My prayer:

God, make me a blessing to the people around me. Help me to add to their lives, not take away from them. 

What God Said Tonight:

I have developed a kaleidoscope of life experience for each person. Add to that, the experiences that result from living in a world that is still run by sin and you will get a mixture of both good and bad in most people. 

Your blessing for others is me in you. Everything you do that shows off me to other people will bless them, eventually. I am a seed that you can sow. I will continue to show you creative ways to show me to other people because I know it is your heart. 

Your life is a continual opportunity to bless those around you. Take every opportunity you can.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Glory of God...

My prayer:

Thank you God for a WONDERFUL evening! Wonderful time with a wonderful old friend, wonderful opportunity to be a blessing, and wonderful experience to witness another one of your miraculous healings of knee. You are sure good at healing knees!!

Thank you for the reminder that even though life gets mundane sometimes, if I keep my eyes open, I can see you working every day. I can get excited about your will and your power in my life. Youa are always doing something, I just have to keep my eyes open better.

I think that is my problem. I get so focused on getting all the "stuff" of life done that I keep my head down and focused on the thing right in front of me, just so I can get it done. Which works, I get it done, but I miss your glory that is all around me. 

Help me God to keep my head up and my eyes, ears and spirit alert to what you are doing. That is all that really matters in this life anyway, what you are doing. 

What God Said Tonight:

My glory is all around you but my glory is in you as well. Everything you do can be a demonstration of my glory. 

I am in you and you are in me and together we can display the glory of God to the world. That is how they will see me. Most people in the world, cannot imagine seeing me face to face and most would not be able to handle it if they did. So, when they see me through you, it is their best chance of getting know me. It is their best chance of seeing who I really an. 

I want a personal relationship with every single person. To get there, some people need to get to know me thorough you first. Getting to know a person with God in them is less intimidating than being face to face with God. Be the display of my glory until they know me for themselves. They will come around. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Cleaning out the old...

My prayer:

Wonderful God. Today was long and tiring but I need our time together before I go to bed. 

I want to hear about what you want to do. What is on your agenda? I want to know how your day was. I am a little tired of me so let's talk about you tonight.

What God Said Tonight:

You had a good day of cleaning out the old. I am doing the same. I am cleaning out the old to make way for the new. 

It is a new day, a new season, and there is a new covenant that has yet to be truly understood. My grace is more than what you know. My love is more powerful than you have seen. My power is more complete than you recognize. 

I am launching a new season where those who are willing can see the true depth and length of my gift. I am launching a new season where those who are willing will experience my power and my love. 

I am excited about this new season and I will take all who are willing into it with me. Come along and I will show you great things. 

I love you daughter. Go and rest. Tomorrow has new joy, new tasks, new life in it.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hunger for the truth...

My prayer:

Awesome God. I am completely devoted to discovering and understanding the complete truth of you and who you are. I cannot be satisfied with less. I can't be satisfied with not knowing, not understanding. I cannot be satisfied with the status quo. 

I know you are perfect and I fully believe that. So, anything that does not line up with what you have said is a result of my lack of understanding. God, help me to understand. Help me to know the "why" always.

What God Said Tonight:

I love your curiosity and hunger for the truth. It will take you to many interesting places, as it has already. But also know that my revelations to you are timed and specific to what you need when yo need it. I cannot share everything with you right this second because it would not make sense. It would overwhelm you and you would not understand how it applied to your life. 

Continue to hunger for the truth but know that I will give you the knowledge you need when you need it. I will not let you go into any situation unprepared. I will equip you for every eventuality and every circumstance. 

I love you and I made you  and I will provide for you everything you need, I promise. 

Friday, April 25, 2014


My prayer:

Abba. I am working really hard to not be offended tonight God but I am failing. I know getting offended doesn't do me or anyone else any good. I also know that it is ridiculous for me to be offended in this case anyway; but knowing that doesn't keep me from feeling it. 

Rejection, even rejection over something I didn't really even want, still stings. 

God, help me to have peace over this. Help me God to not get caught up in my pride and to be humble. Help me to love and not get bitter or angry. Those are all things that I know you would want me to do (and not do) but I will need your help. I can't do it on my own.

What God Said Tonight:

I am your peace and I am your identity. I have opened up some opportunities and I have closed others. You are entering into a new season and not everyone or everything can go into the new season with you. Your good byes and closed doors are not rejections, they are simply the evidence of a new season in your life. 

You have been hungering for something new. You have been so bored with the status quo. You know that to bring in the new I have to clear out some of the old. I need to make room in your life. 

You know that if you really wanted it, I would be happy to give it to you. I would be happy to keep that opportunity and those people in your life But truth is, we are on a new road and a new journey and you will need to be free to follow my voice. I can't have you tied to other obligations. 

And, I know you, if they would have asked you would have said yes. You  know you are not good at saying no when people ask for your help. 

SO, truly, let it go knowing that this is my will. There is no reason to wonder about the reasoning behind their actions because the truth is, I am the reason behind their actions. Be grateful that they listen to my voice as you do and that they are obedient.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


My prayer:

My God, my friend. Thanks for getting me through this day. With 3 hours of sleep, I thought it was going to be a disaster but you brought me through, as always. 

God, I love your consistency. I love that you are the same yesterday, today and forever. I love that you are so complex that even if I spent every moment of every day for the rest of eternity, I could never know all of you.

Keep teaching me about you. Keep showing you to me. I want to know all of you. You fascinate me. 

What God Said Tonight:

You have seen the black and white of things but now you are getting to know the gray. Not everything in this world is clear cut. Some things are. My love for you. My goodness. My truth, those are all very black and white.

But many things are gray. many things don't fall into the convenient buckets that you try to put in your life to give you a sense of control. I will continue to show and teach you about the gray. In the gray is much of the excitement of life. In the gray is your free will. In  the gray is the artistry of life.

I love you and always will. Now that is black and white. Should you take the new job opportunity, that can sometimes be gray. The gray stuff, which is most of life, is where you get to choose, and I knwo you love to choose.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Unselfish love...

My prayer:

Thank you Daddy! You took care of everything today, just like you always do. 

I admit that I had a little doubt early on when it looked like it was all going to fall apart, but just at the perfect time, you brought all of it together. You do that so often. You are never early but you are always on time. It is so true that it has become cliche. 

But really, I am just grateful that you do show up. I am grateful that you always know the right timing. I am grateful that you find something to love in me and that you bless me like crazy.

What God Said Tonight:

I have not left you or forgotten you ever. I am constantly thinking about you and constantly working on your behalf. 

In the world, with people, they don't have the capacity to have your best interest before their own all the time. It is not human nature. Some people have come close but it is the rare thing, not the norm. 

It is one way that we are different from each other. 

I am love and love gives. Love thinks about you before it thinks about itself. You can trust me to always think of you first because it is my nature. My God nature. You have human nature, I have God nature. My God nature will not allow me to ever forget you or put you second. 

You are always my number one. Love you.